The two hundred questions in the book are real questions, picked from the thousands of telephone enquiries David Chappell has received as a Specialist Adviser to the Royal Institute of British Architects.
It now includes comparisons of working with JCT, NEC3, and FIDIC contracts throughout. Introducing this topic at the core of construction law and management, this book provides students with a one-stop reference on construction contracts.
This textbook provides coverage of adjudication and arbitration in relation to construction contracts.
Retaining the same basic approach as its successful predecessors, this important text introduces the general principles that underlie contracts in construction, illustrating them by reference to the most important standard forms currently ...
This is not only a useful reference for architects, project managers, quantity surveyors and lawyers, but also a useful student resource to stimulate interesting discussions about real-world construction contract issues.
The fourth edition of this unparalleled text has been thoroughly revised to provide the most up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of the legislation, administration and management of construction contracts.
This book explores the basics of contracts as applied to the construction industry.
Also available from Taylor & Francis Construction Contracts Law and management 4th edition J. Murdoch andW. Hughes Development and the Law A guide for construction and property professionals G. Bruce-Radcliffe Dictionary of Property and ...
This is an excellent, comprehensive text on the law governing construction contracts and the management and administration of those contracts.
Arrangements of Contracts for Construction. Design-Build Contracts. Documents for Contracts. Bidding for Contracts. Negotiating Construction Contracts. Administration of Contracts. Claims and Disputes. Changes in the Work of Contracts.
Retaining the same basic approach as its successful predecessors, this important text introduces the general principles that underlie contracts in construction, illustrating them by reference to the most important standard forms currently ...
The book is of a managable size for a one-semester course and suitable for undergraduate or graduate construction or architecture students.
This text deals with the important aspects of contract administration, supporting critical issues with case/legal principles. Written as a reference guide, it presents the fundamentals of contract law, with an...
Retaining the same basic approach as its successful predecessors, this important text introduces the general principles that underlie contracts in construction, illustrating them by reference to the most important standard forms currently ...
In this superb new volume, Edward Whitticks has charted the course for anyone working with contracts and dispute control in oil and gas, one of the most volatile industries in the world.
Construction Contracts
The two hundred questions in the book are real questions, picked from the thousands of telephone enquiries David Chappell has received as a Specialist Adviser to the Royal Institute of British Architects.
Can architects lose their rights to certify under JCT 2011 contracts? Every question included has been asked of David Chappell during his career, and he uses his vast experience to provide clear, easy to follow advice in this book.