10.1177/070674370505000509 Tomita, M., Mann, W.C., Stanton, K., Tomita, A., & Sundar, V. (2007). Use of currently available smart home technology by frail elders: process and outcomes. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 23(1), 23–24.
Kuehn's one third quoted as using the Internet “to diagnose health problems” comes much closer to the Tracking Reports in order of magnitude. About one half of the “online diagnosers” (46%) self-assessed their findings as to requiring ...
" -- Betsy L. Humphreys, former Deputy Director, National Library of Medicine This is a book for people who want to design or promote information technology that helps people be more active and informed participants in their healthcare.
This book, designed for use in a classroom, will be the first textbook dedicated solely to the specific concerns of consumer health informatics Consumer Health Informatics is an interactive text; filled with case studies and discussion ...
Consumer Health Informatics: Emerging Issues
This book, designed for use in a classroom, will be the first textbook dedicated solely to the specific concerns of consumer health informatics Consumer Health Informatics is an interactive text; filled with case studies and discussion ...