SULLIVAN , Francis John 1892-1976 ( Frank Sullivan ) September 22 , 1892 — February 19 , 1976 ; American humorist and author . ... BIOGRAPHICAL / CRITICAL SOURCES : Susan Brownmiller , Against Our Will , Simon & Schuster , 1975 .
Cory Nash , reteller , My Gingerbread Fairy Tale House , four volumes , Warner Books ( New York City ) , 1988 . ... in Springfield , MA ; daughter of James F. ( a landlord ; also in sales ) and Ernestine B. ( a music teacher ) Durrell .
Your students and users will find biographical information on approximately 300 modern writers in this volume of Contemporary Authors(R).
In response to the escalating need for up-to-date information on writers, Contemporary Authors® New Revision Series brings researchers the most recent data on the world's most-popular authors.
Published romance and suspense novels under the names Terri Blackstock , Terri Herrington , and Tracy Hughes . SIDELIGHTS : Fred Birchmore told CA : “ An exchange scholar to the University of Cologne in Germany , I purchased a German ...
Contemporary Authors: Cumulative Index
Contemporary Authors: Cumulative Index
American Institute of Social Sciences ; Gold Medal of Honor , Institute of Radio Engineers ; Pulitzer Prize for autobiography , 1923 , for From Immigrant to Inventor ; Washington Medal for Engineering , Western Society of Engineers ...
Contemporary Authors: Cumulative Index
A biographical and bibliographical guide to current writers in all fields including poetry, fiction and nonfiction, journalism, drama, television and movies.
A biographical and bibliographical guide to current writers in all fields including poetry, fiction and nonfiction, journalism, drama, television and movies.
A biographical and bibliographical guide to current writers in all fields including poetry, fiction and nonfiction, journalism, drama, television and movies.
... 1997 ; ( as Cap'n Andy ) Show Boat , Broadway production , 1997 ; ( as Tobias Vivian Pfeiffer III / Schuyler Lynch ) Old ... Appeared ( as Mr. Peters ) in the touring production Mr. Peter's Connections , British cities , 2000 .
Military service : Army Air Corps , 1943-46 ; recalled to Army , 195051 ; became first lieutenant . result , I was asked to write the chapter on Justice Reed when the Supreme Court Historical Society ( SCHS ) sponsored publication by ...
The men were subsequently captured , but in investigating how they came to escape from this supposedly maximum security facility , Burke and fellow journalist Joe Jackson encountered Dennis Stockton , sentenced to death for murder and ...
Since 1962, Contemporary Authors has been an authoritative and comprehensive source of bibliographic and biographical information on important authors of the 20th century.
Entries contain personal and career information on contemporary authors as well as their published writings and work in progress
Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series. Volume 141
A biographical and bibliographical guide to current writers in all fields including poetry, fiction and nonfiction, journalism, drama, television and movies.
Gale Group, Terrie M. Rooney. Obituary Notices in CA provide date and place of birth as well as death information about authors whose full-length sketches appeared in the series before their deaths. These entries also summarize the ...