Accomplished in All Departments of Art : Hammatt Billings of Boston , 1818-1874 , University of Massachusetts Press ( Amherst ) , 1998 . AWARDS , HONORS : Historical Collections Prize , Essex Institute of Salem , MA , 1981 , for ...
This volume of Contemporary Authors(R) New Revision Series brings you up-to-date information on approximately 250 writers. Editors have scoured dozens of leading journals, magazines, newspapers and online sources in search...
ADDRESSES : Agent – c / o Publicity , Penguin / Putnam , 345 Hudson St. , New York , NY 10014. ... Cave - In : St. Claire , Pennsylvania , 1859 , Aladdin ( New York , NY ) , 1998 . Stranded : Death Valley , 1850 , Aladdin ( New York ...
Contemporary Authors
A winner of the Vogue writing contest in the 1980s , she had also become a health columnist for the magazine , and later , a freelancer who had published several books on food and exercise , including the popular Vogue Complete Beauty .
Contemporary Authors
“ The Embassy Murders , ” January 1 , 1934 ; “ The Black Falcon , ” February 1 , 1934 ; “ The Circle of Death , ” March ... of Death , ” May 1 , 1938 ; “ The Hand , ” May 15 , 1938 ; “ Voodoo Trail , ” June 1 , 1938 ; “ The Rackets King ...
Margaret Powell still reads books ( “ I'm keen on acquiring an education ” ) , studying for A - level examination in ... 1970 ; The Treasure Upstairs ( autobiographical ) , 1970 ; Margaret Powell's London Season , 1972 ; Sweetmaking for ...
( With the Roadshow Team ) The Animals Roadshow , J. Cape , 1988 . Horsewatching , Crown , 1988 . Animalwatching : A Field Guide to Animal Behavior , Crown , 1990 . battle with one another , with first one , then the other getting the ...
... Vulture in the Sun , Gollancz , 1971 ; The Hunting Down of Peter Manuel : Glasgow Multiple Murderer , Macmillan , 1973 . ... Fragment of Fear was adapted for film and released by Columbia Pictures , 1970 , under the same title .
... for RanVan the Defender ; Ruth Schwartz Children's Book Award finalist , Ontario Arts Council , 1994 , for Ran Van ... for Children's Literature ( English text ) finalist , Canada Council , 1995 , for Ran Van : A Worthy Opponent .
In response to the escalating need for up-to-date information on writers, Contemporary Authors® New Revision Series brings researchers the most recent data on the world's most-popular authors.
Your students and users will find biographical information on approximately 300 modern writers in this volume of Contemporary Authors(R).
Your students and users will find biographical information on approximately 300 modern writers in this volume of Contemporary Authors®.
A biographical and bibliographical guide to current writers in all fields including poetry, fiction and nonfiction, journalism, drama, television and movies.
A biographical and bibliographical guide to current writers in all fields including poetry, fiction and nonfiction, journalism, drama, television and movies.
Contemporary Authors ( CA ) provides information on approximately 130,000 writers in a wide range of media , including : Current writers of fiction , nonfiction , poetry , and drama whose works have been issued by commercial publishers ...
Your students and users will find biographical information on approximately 300 modern writers in this volume of Contemporary Authors(R).
... 1965 ; Winning Play in Contract Bridge : Strategy at Trick One , Dell , 1964 , 2nd edition published as Bridge Strategy at Trick One , Dover , 1976 ; ( with Norman Kay and Sidney Siloder ) The Complete Book of Duplicate Bridge ...
John Hedgecoe's Nude and Portrait Photography , Simon and Schuster ( New York ) , 1985 . John Hedgecoe's New Manual of Photography , Weidenfeld and Nicolson ( London ) , 1986 . John Hedgecoe's Pocket Guide to Vacation Photography ...