WRITINGS : Undersea Garden of the Virgin Islands , Dukane Press , 1969 ; ( photographer and author ) Blue Planet : Man's Hopes for Life in the Sea , edited by Alice Beaton Thompson ( for high school students ) , Grosset , 1973 .
Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series, a Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current Writers in Fiction
In response to the escalating need for up-to-date information on writers, Contemporary AuthorsĀ® New Revision Series brings researchers the most recent data on the worlds most-popular authors.
Contemporary Authors
Contemporary Authors: Cumulative Index
Contemporary Authors: Cumulative Index
Contemporary Authors: Cumulative Index New Revision
This book is a cumulative index to Contemporary Authors, volumes 1-245 and Contemporary Authors New Revision Series, volumes 1-150.
( Cartoonist ) Mary Waterhouse , Farewell Warefare , foreword by Whoopie Goldberg , Peanut Butter Publishing , ( Seattle , WA ) ... ( Coeditor with Maury Forman ) Cartooning AIDS around the World , Kendall / Hunt ( Dubuque , IA ) , 1992 .
SIDELIGHTS : Australian picture book author and illustrator Bob Graham is known for the simplicity , droll humor , and charming everyday quality of his ... Roland Harvey , Second Ever Book of Things to Make and Do , Sterling , 1983 .
The Cruising Guide to Central and Southern California : Golden Gate to Ensenada , Mexico , including the Offshore Islands , International Marine / MacGraw Hill ( Camden , ME ) , 2002 . From Black Land to Fifth Sun : The Science of ...
Castle ( 1978 ) , and The Frog Band and the Owlnapper ( 1981 ) . In addition to these , the author has written and illustrated three other picture books for children , including Alphonse and the Stonehenge Mystery ( Little , Brown ...
mysteries are listed as Peter Lovesey's Sergeant Cribb series and Jack Finney's time travel novel , Time and Again . ... historical baseball players , including Brooklyn outfielder Casey Stengel , who helps Rawlings solve the mystery .
BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL SOURCES : BOOKS ( Coeditor and contributor ) What Western Do I Read Next ? A Reader's Guide to Recent Western Fiction , Thomson Gale ( Detroit , MI ) , 1998 , 2nd edition , 1999 . Chip Carving : Design and ...
Contemporary Authors
Contemporary Authors
Contemporary Authors
Ghostcountry's Wrath , AvoNova ( New York , NY ) , ) 1995 . Dreamseeker's Road , AvoNova ( New York , NY ) , 1995 . Landslayer's Law , AvoNova ( New York , NY ) , 1997 . Warstalker's Track , AvoNova ( New York , NY ) , 1999 .
Contemporary Authors
BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL SOURCES : BOOKS Johnston again received Canadian literary award nominations for her 2001 young adult novel , In Spite of Killer Bees . Its story centers on fourteen - year - old Aggie , who lives with her older ...