Six Hundred Decorating Tips and Finishing Touches , Hermes House ( London , England ) , 2003 . ... and Period Living ( With Peter McHoy ) The Practical Encyclopedia of Garden Planning , Design , and Decoration , Lorenz Books ( London ...
She lives in Eternal , Texas , the widow of Stu , the rabbi of a thriving congregation who has been killed by a hitand - run driver . ... Hold the Cream Cheese , Kill the Lox , Scribner ( New York , NY ) , 2002 .
My Big Fat Queer Life : The Best of Michael Thomas Ford , Alyson Books ( Los Angeles , CA ) , 2003 . Ultimate Gay Sex , DK Publishers ( New York , NY ) , 2004 . best book for young adults , Booklist editor's choice , and National ...
75 ; July 16 , 2001 , review of Larky Mavis , p . 180 . School Library Journal , October , 1986 , Luann Toth , review of The Giant's Toe , p . 158 ; November , 1989 , p . 125 ; November , 1991 , p . 91 ; October , , 1997 , p .
Contemporary Authors: A Bio-bibliographical Guide to Current Writers in Fiction, General Nonfiction, Poetry, Journalism, Drama, Motion Pictures, Television and Other...
Contemporary Authors: A Bio-bibliographical Guide to Current Writers in Fiction, General Nonfiction, Poetry, Journalism, Drama, Motion Pictures, Television and Other...
Contemporary Authors
WRITINGS : Sally and Marsha ( two - act play ; produced at the Manhattan Theatre Club , 1982 ) , Dramatists Play Service ( New York City ) , 1985 . Baby ( musical ; produced at the Ethel Barrymore Theater , 1983-84 ) , based on a story ...
Contemporary literature encompasses so many genres, literary forms, and themes that it would seem almost impossible to identify a unifying thread between them.
... 81, 86, 89 Van Brunt 15:377 Austro-Hungarian Empire 7:208, 209 Author and Journalist 8:272 Authors Guild 1:295 Authors League of America Corcoran 2:117 Wallace 1:402 Autism McPherson 23:224-5 Taylor 26:250-1, 260 Autobiography ...
As always , the most recent CA cumulative index continues to be the user's guide to the location of an individual author's revised listing . Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series Designed to complement the information in CA original ...
A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current Writers in Fiction, General Nonfiction, Poetry, Journalism, Drama, Motion Pictures, Television, and Other Field Julie Keppen. Preface Contemporary Authors ( CA ) provides information on ...
Contemporary Authors ( CA ) provides information on approximately 100,000 writers in a wide range of media ... American Literary Biography , Concise Dictionary of British Liter- ary Biography , Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series ...
Find biographical information on more than 149, 000 modern novelists, poets, playwrights, nonfiction writers, journalists and scriptwriters.
In response to the escalating need for up-to-date information on writers, Contemporary AuthorsĀ® New Revision Series brings researchers the most recent data on the world's most-popular authors.
Francis ( musical play ) , Playlab Press , 1982 . Tin Lizzie and Little Nell , Bodley Head , 1982 . ( With wife , Betty Beath ) Reflections From Bali , AddisonWesley , 1982 . Ayu and the Perfect Moon , Bodley Head , 1984 .
In response to the escalating need for up-to-date information on writers, Contemporary Authors New Revision Series brings researchers the most recent data on the worlds most-popular authors.
... for All Groups , Broadman , 1969 ; Please Give a Devotion for Juniors , 1969 , published as Please Give a Devotion ... 1973 ; Women's Devotional Discussion Guide , 1973 ; Please Give a Devotion for Women's Groups , 1976 ; Day by Day ...
Contemporary Authors: A Bio-bibliographical Guide to Current Writers in Fiction, General Nonfiction, Poetry, Journalism, Drama, Motion Pictures, Television and Other...
These exciting and unique author profiles are essential to your holdings because sketches are entirely revised and up-to-date, and completely replace the original Contemporary Authors entries.