Contemporary Intellectual Property

  • Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy
    By Charlotte Waelde, Abbe Brown, Smita Kheria

    ... the court did note that the injunction should allow the defendant to refer to the fact that its retitled show was previously known as 'Glee'. 202 Interflora Inc v Marks & Spencer Plc (No 2) (High Court) [2014] FSR 2, paras 20–22; ...

  • Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy
    By Charlotte Waelde, Abbe Brown, Smita Kheria

    259 See further discussion of this point by Lord Hoffmann in Newspaper Licensing Agency Ltd v Marks and Spencer plc [2003] 1 AC 551 at paras 11 and 16. 260 CDPA 1988, s 8(2). 3 The classic analyses are: M Foucault, 'Qu'est ce qu'un.

  • Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy
    By Charlotte Waelde, Graeme Laurie, Hector MacQueen

    88 Fournetv Pearson (1897) 14 TLR 82. 89 Pitman vHine (1884) 1 TLR 82; Anderson & Co vLieber Code Co [1917] 2 KB 469. 90 Brigid Foley Ltd v Ellott [1982] RPC 433 at 434 per Sir Robert MegarryV-C. 91 Phrasing derived from Hollinrake v ...

  • Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy
    By Graeme T. Laurie, Charlotte Waelde, Hector L. MacQueen

    95 Gillette v Franks (1924) 41 RPC 499. 96 Wilkinson Sword v Cripps & Lee [1982] FSR 16; Colgate-Palmolive v Markwell Finance [1989] RPC 497. 97 Revlon Inc v Cripps & Lee [1980] FSR 85. and is unable to offer the services which such a ...

  • Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy
    By Abbe Brown, Smita Kheria, Jane Cornwell

    I Davies and T Scourfield, 'Threats: is the current regime still justified?' (2007)29(7) EIPR259–65 P Davies, 'Costs of blocking injunctions' (2017) 4 IPQ 330–45 PEngland, 'Accessing damages for unjustified threats of patent ...

  • Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy
    By Charlotte Waelde, Smita Kheria, Jane Cornwell

    This textbook provides an account of intellectual property law.

  • Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy
    By Smita Kheria, Jane Cornwell, Marta Iljadica

    This textbook provides an account of intellectual property law.

  • Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy
    By Abbe Brown, Smita Kheria, Jane Cornwell

    ... through guide to the educational features of this book This book is full of ... the fast - paced developments that typify intellectual property law . This guide is a step - by - step walk ... long history in the UK , there has been notable EU ...