Karl Löwith, “Les implications politiques de la philosophie de l'existence chez Heidegger,” originally published in Les Temps ... Leo Strauss, “Kurt Riezler (1882–1955),” in What Is Political Philosophy? and Other Studies (Glencoe, ...
Robert Neal Wilson ( Engelwood Cliffs , NJ : Prentice - Hall , 1964 ) , 122-147 . On the Kierkegaard reception in Weimar Protestant theology , see Matthias Wilke , Die Kierkegaard - Rezeption Emanuel Hirschs : Eine Studie über die ...
Seymour Martin Lipset's highly acclaimed work explores the distinctive character of American and Canadian values and institutions.
It argues that these fundamental distinctions stem in large part from the American Revolution and the diverse social and environmental ecologies flowing from the division of British North America.
This magesterial and thrilling history argues that the story of American mountaineering is the story of America itself.
Seymour Martin Lipset's highly acclaimed work explores the distinctive character of American and Canadian values and institutions.
Go West, Young Man.
But what about the wall's effect on animals? Krista Schlyer vividly shows us that this largely isolated natural area, stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico, is also host to a number of rare ecosystems.
Continental Divide