Welcome to Contract Law: Explained! This book is designed for non-lawyers who want to understand how to create and manage enforceable agreements.
This is the second book in the 'Casebooks for the Common Law of Europe' series,developed for use throughout Europe and aimed at those who teach, learn or practice law with a comparative or European perspective.
It is not at all clear how the courts will decide what constitutes a 'reasonable deposit' where there is no such ... if the forfeiture clause was of a penal nature and if it was unconscionable for the innocent party to retain the money.
This text discusses theories of recovery, and explains the practicable application of those theories in legal complaints and answers.
Furthermore, UNIDROIT, Article 1.7,50 PECL, Article 2:201, and the Common Frame of Reference, Article III-1:103,51. 49 J. Beatson and D. Friedmann (eds.), Good Faith and Fault in Contract Law (Oxford, 1995), chapter 2 (N. Cohen, ...
This text is also available with the Contract Law Case Book Third Edition which gives students access to an expanded selection of primary and secondary materials.NEW TO THIS EDITIONIncorporates statutory changes since 2013Explores a number ...
Law Express: Contract Law is designed to help you to relate all the reading and study throughout your course specifically to exam and assignment situations.
Law Express Question and Answer: Contract Law is designed to ensure you get the most marks for every answer you write by improving your understanding of what examiners are looking for, helping you to focus in on the question being asked and ...
Contract Law: Selected Source Materials
Ireland Robert Clark, Contract Law in Ireland, 6th edn (Dublin, Round Hall, 2008) Malaysia Dato' Seri Visu Sinnadurai, ... 2002) Maree Chetwin, Stephen Graw, Raymond Tiong, An Introduction to the Law of Contract in New Zealand, ...
This unique book provides practitioners from a legal, mental health, social services or criminal justice background with a systematic guide to the relationship between mental health and Scots Law
This new eleventh edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect recent changes in the law. It is essential reading for all students taking undergraduate and GDL/CPE courses in contract law.
This edition also includes materials concerning electronic contracting, such as excerpts from the text and comments of the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act, portions of the text and comments of the Uniform Electronic ...
This is an account of the modern law of contract by a leading authority in the field.
The fifth edition of Ewan McKendrick's Contract Law: Text, Cases, and Materials provides a complete guide to the subject in a single volume, containing everything needed for the study of contract law at undergraduate level.
This revised second edition has been updated to reflect the most recent changes in the law, including the French reform of the law of obligations and the new UK Consumer Rights Act.
This book has been revised and updated to reflect various developments in the law such as Supreme Court and Privy Council decisions on certainty of terms and remoteness of damage, and the effect of Brexit on long-term premises leases"--Back ...
This set of practice problems is designed to accompany the casebook Contract Law: Cases and the video lecture series by Professor Seth C. Oranburg, J.D., but any law student can use these problems to test understanding of doctrine and case ...
Contract Law: Selected Source Materials
... commitment', the courts have been more willing to imply a term of good faith, in recognition of the fact that these contracts: may require a high degree of communication, cooperation and predictable performance based on mutual trust and ...