Conversations with Scripture

  • Conversations with Scripture: The Law
    By Kevin A. Wilson

    Exploring the Law in Exodus, and Leviticus, this book examines the historical and cultural contexts of these legal codes.

  • Conversations with Scripture: The Law
    By Kevin A. Wilson

    As with other books in the series, Wilson's book features definitions and sidebars in each chapter on particular topics, as well as study questions.

  • Conversations with Scripture: Revelation
    By Frederick W. Schmidt

    Roadmap, myth, or history? An accessible review of The Book of Revelation for today’s audience. Conversations with Scripture: Revelation is the first book in the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholar Study Series.

  • Conversations with Scripture: The Book of Judges
    By Roy Heller

    Far from seeing the book as either simplistic or cruel, Heller allows this odd text to speak to us anew about God, sin, relationships, and justice.

  • Conversations with Scripture: 2 Isaiah
    By Stephen L. Cook

    Most recently, he has written "The Season of Epiphany" in New Proclamation Year B, 2008-2009, Advent through Holy Week (Fortress, 2008). His other publications include journal articles, introductions and annotations to biblical books ...

  • Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of Matthew
    By John Yieh

    Invites readers to enter the narrative world and the historical context of Matthew's Gospel.

  • Conversations with Scripture: Romans
    By Jay Sidebotham

    Our conversation with this portion of Scripture matters becausethat transforming realitycan still take placein the lives of individuals, andinour congregations. Thatcall tochange is reflected inthe liturgy of the EpiscopalChurch, ...

  • Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of Mark
    By Marcus J. Borg

    Other books in the series focus on the Gospel of John, Revelation, the Law, the Parables, and 2 Isaiah.

  • Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of John
    By Cynthia Kittredge

    On the one hand, it stresses boundaries while on the other it stresses community. This edition encourages readers to draw out the tensions between these two perspectives to make the gospel more meaningful to their lives.

  • Conversations with Scripture: The Psalms
    By L. William Countryman

    Written in accessible language and sensitive to those who have little or no experience in reading the Bible, each book in the Conversations with Scripture series focuses on exploring the historical and critical background of the biblical ...

  • Conversations with Scripture: Revelation
    By Frederick W. Schmidt

    "Conversations with Scripture: Revelation is the first book in the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars Study Series.

  • Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of Luke
    By Frederick W. Schmidt

    Speaking to the crisis of faith faced by his church, Luke retells the story of Jesus birth, ministry, death, and resurrection as a means of addressing the spiritual struggles that resurface generation after generation.

  • Conversations with Scripture: The Parables
    By William Brosend

    But the parables are filled with ambiguity and room for interpretation. With historical and cultural background, and careful scholarly detail, this book helps readers explore their beauty, richness, and joy.

  • Conversations with Scripture: The Psalms
    By L. William Countryman

    Written in accessible language and sensitive to those who have little or no experience in reading the Bible, each book in the Conversations with Scripture series focuses on exploring the historical and critical background of the biblical ...

  • Conversations with Scripture: The Parables
    By William Brosend

    Part of the Conversations with Scripture series, this book looks at the Biblical topics.

  • Conversations with Scripture: The Book of Judges
    By Roy Heller

    The Book of Judges—appropriate for Sunday School curriculum or an irredeemably violent book?

  • Conversations with Scripture: Acts of the Apostles
    By C.K. Robertson

    Here we follow the story of Jesus' earliest followers from their call to be his witnesses "to the ends of the earth," through their initial days of concord and numerical successes, to the challenges they faced as unfamiliar newcomers ...

  • Conversations with Scripture: Romans
    By Jay Sidebotham

    This book guides readers into conversation with Paul’s letter to the Romans.

  • Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of Mark
    By Marcus J. Borg

    Most Christians are familiar with the story told in Mark's gospel, but no one knows who Mark really was or why this gospel was written.

  • Conversations with Scripture: Daniel
    By Judith Jones, Edmond F. Desueza

    Who truly controls our lives? To what or whom do we owe ultimate allegiance? To whom do the kingdom, the power and the glory belong? This book invites readers to consider the questions that Daniel raises and then live out the answers.