Corporate Finance

  • Corporate Finance
    By Stephen A. Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Jeffrey F. Jaffe

    'Corporate Finance' emphasizes the modern fundamentals of the theory of finance while providing contemporary examples to make the theory come to life.

  • Corporate Finance
    By Stefan Cristian Gherghina

    China is regarded as an emerging economy with corporate governance procedures still at an evolving stage. ... Agency Cost and Firm Performance Emerging markets are prone to managerial discretion to a greater extent compared to ...

  • Corporate Finance: 5th Edition
    By Ivo Welch

    textbook for introductory finance course

  • Corporate Finance
    By McLellan, Brock, Morten

    This book will teach students difficult theory and show them how to solve challenging problems in an effective way, using as few words as possible. It will include demonstrative examples with complete solutions.

  • Corporate Finance
    By Jonathan B. Berk, Peter M. DeMarzo

    The second edition reflects the constantly changing world of finance, including information on the recent financial crisis, new behavioral finance research, and updated practitioner interviews.

  • Corporate Finance: A Practical Approach Workbook
    By Michelle R. Clayman, Martin S. Fridson, George H. Troughton

    In the Corporate Finance Workbook, Michelle Clayman, Martin Fridson, and George H. Troughton—along with a number of experienced contributors—offer you a wealth of practical information and exercises that will solidify your understanding ...

  • Corporate Finance
    By Jeffrey J. Haas

    The book expertly lays out the fundamentals of corporate finance from a legal and business perspective in a manageable, user-friendly manner.

  • Corporate Finance
    By Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers, Franklin Allen

    This new international edition provides increased coverage of the procedures for estimating the cost of capital, expanded coverage of risk management techniques and the use and misuse of derivatives, and additional coverage of agency ...

  • Corporate Finance: Basic Theory and Advanced Topics
    By Anton Miglo

    Corporate Finance: Basic Theory and Advanced Topics is one of the first books combining both basic corporate fi nance theory and advanced corporate finance. The latter is presented in comprehensive...

  • Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice
    By S R Vishwanath

    This edition bears in mind the needs of syllabi requirements for the core paper on Corporate Finance for MBA students. It includes 10 cases for MBA students.

  • Corporate Finance: Fundamentals
    By Stephen A. Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Bradford D. Jordan

    As such, there are three basic themes that are the central focus of the book: 1) An emphasis on intuition-underlying ideas are discussed in general terms and then by way of examples that illustrate in more concrete terms how a financial ...

  • Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice
    By Pierre Vernimmen, Pascal Quiry, Yann Le Fur

    The book also includes: A balanced blend of theory and practice from an author team with a presence in academia and business Access to The Newsletter, which provides monthly updates on corporate finance to over 60,000 ...

  • Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice
    By Pierre Vernimmen, Pascal Quiry, Maurizio Dallocchio

    As comprehensive, relevant skills are the goal, this book blends academic and industry perspective with the latest regulatory and practical developments to provide a complete corporate finance education with real-world applicability.

  • Corporate Finance
    By Lawrence J. Gitman, Scott B. Smart, William L. Megginson

    The authors seamlessly blend modern theories and concepts of the financial management of firms with international real world practice and the latest hot topics in the area.

  • Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice
    By Pierre Vernimmen, Pascal Quiry

    Gabriele Galateri, Chairman of Telecom Italia The book, newsletter, and website are all very interesting and useful. The book is 47 chapters (about 1 000 pages) full of corporate finance.

  • Corporate Finance: Economic Foundations and Financial Modeling
    By CFA Institute

    The complete guide to corporate finance, for today’s practitioners from CFA Institute After ten years, the third edition of the CFA Institute Investment Series’ Corporate Finance text has arrived with a decisive focus on the needs of ...

  • Corporate Finance: Foundations of Value Optimization and Survival (Preliminary Edition)
    By Jay Brandi

    Corporate Finance: Foundations of Value Optimization and Survival (Preliminary Edition)

  • Corporate Finance
    By Jay Brandi

    The volume emphasizes the importance of value optimization to corporate financial success, wellness, and survival. The book features 13 distinct modules, which address a variety of topics, including financial management within

  • Corporate Finance
    By Stephen A. Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Jeffrey F. Jaffe

    Corporate Finance, by Ross, Westerfield, Jaffe and Jordan was written to convey the most important corporate finance concepts and applications as a level that is approachable to the widest possible...

  • Corporate Finance: Core Priciples and Applications
    By Stephen A. Ross, Bradford D. Jordan, Randolph W. Westerfield

    Corporate Finance introduces and covers the essentials, while leaving more specialized topics to follow-up courses. This text distills the subject of corporate finance down to its core, while also maintaining a decidedly modern approach.