
  • Cosmos: An Illustrated History of Astronomy and Cosmology
    By John North

    Another dwarf that has achieved a certain fame is Sirius B — the companion star mentioned above, which had first been seen in 1862 without its character being properly recognized at the time. Relatively few white dwarfs — a matter of ...

  • Cosmos
    By Carl Sagan

    A simple geometric proof of Equation (2) can be found in the book by Courant and Robbins in the Bibliography. From Equation (2) we can prove that there are only five regular solids: Every edge of a regular solid is shared by the sides ...

  • Cosmos: Before There Was Light: Is Intelligent Life Out There?
    By David J. Eicher

    Cosmos: Before There Was Light: Is Intelligent Life Out There?

  • Cosmos
    By Sung-Jun Kim

    Histoire croisée de deux couples exprimant leurs rêves, leurs fantasmes, leurs perspectives.

  • Cosmos: A Cultural History of Astrology
    By Nicholas Campion

    An investigation into the origins and development of astrology - the study of which linked the rulers of Babylon with Chaucer and a topic which has attracted countless millions past and present.

  • Cosmos
    By Carl Sagan

    This book is about science in its broadest human context, how science and civilization grew up together. It is the story of our long journey of discovery and the forces...

  • Cosmos
    By Carl Sagan

    Traditional Chinese edition of people's astronomer Carl Sagan's Cosmos, the definitive work that introduced the hard science to ordinary readers. In Chinese. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.

  • Cosmos
    By Carl Sagan

    Presents an illustrated guide to the universe and to Earth's relationship to it, moving from theories of creation to humankind's discovery of the cosmos, to general relativity, to space missions, and beyond.

  • Cosmos
    By Witold Gombrowicz

    "Two young men meet by chance in a Polish resort town in the Carpathian Mountains.

  • Cosmos: Possible Worlds
    By Ann Druyan

    From the emergence of life at deep-sea vents to solar-powered starships sailing through the galaxy, from the Big Bang to the intricacies of intelligence in many life forms, acclaimed author Ann Druyan documents where humanity has been and ...

  • Cosmos: A Co-Creator's Guide to the Whole-World
    By Ervin Laszlo

    This is the elemental cosmic mind from which everything emanates, is manifested, and to which all ultimately returns.

  • Cosmos: The Infographic Book of Space
    By Chris North, Stuart Lowe

    Featuring innovative, inspirational and original designs by leading authors in their field, COSMOS: THE INFOGRAPHIC BOOK OF SPACE delves into a truly international subject and will appeal to stargazers and space enthusiasts of all ages.

  • Cosmos: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe
    By Alexander von Humboldt

    The first volume of Cosmos, his five-volume survey of the universe, appeared in 1845, though Humboldt had labored on the entire work for nearly half a century. He scrupulously sent...

  • Cosmos: Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe
    By Alexander von Humboldt, Edward Sabine

    Investigating the relationship between the 'general and the special' in nature, Humboldt's Cosmos constitutes an original contribution to modern science.

  • Cosmos: A Poem
    By James Applewhite

    ... 27 Views of Durham: “In the Gardens beside a Library.” The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources.

  • Cosmos: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe
    By Alexander von Humboldt

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.

  • Cosmos: Images from Here to the Edge of the Universe
    By Mary K. Baumann, Will Hopkins, Loralee Nolletti

    Presents over two hundred and fifty images of celestial objects, from asteroids and planets to stars and galaxies, accompanied by descriptive captions and explanatory text.

  • Cosmos: Die Symphonie Der Elemente, 1972-1997
    By Michael Ruetz

    Photographs by Michael Ruetz.

  • Cosmos: The Art and Science of the Universe
    By Jay M. Pasachoff, Roberta J. M. Olson

    Charts the human love affair with the heavens in art and astronomy, based on sound science, insightful art, and cultural history. Olson and Pasachoff also recount the story about the quest to discover the mysteries of the universe.

  • Cosmos
    By Carl Sagan

    With a lyrical literary style, and a range that touches almost all aspects of human knowledge, Cosmos often seems too good to be true.”—The Plain Dealer “Sagan is an astronomer with one eye on the stars, another on history, and a ...