Crafting Short Screenplays That Connect

  • Crafting Short Screenplays That Connect
    By Claudia Hunter Johnson

    It was the decade of the 1960s that ushered in a revolutionary new horror subgenre of zombie pics, from the “Master of the Zombie Film” himself, George A. Romero. The influence of Romero on future zombie films has been phenomenal, ...

  • Crafting Short Screenplays that Connect
    By Claudia Hunter Johnson

    In other words, to connect. This book is dedicated to the proposition that connecting—to oneself and to others—is the source of great screenplays, regardless of length. And craft, I'm convinced, can be taught, though I agree with ...

  • Crafting Short Screenplays That Connect
    By Claudia H. Johnson

    Written with clarity and humor, this book teaches the craft of writing short screenplays by guiding the student through carefully focused writing exercises of increasing length and complexity.

  • Crafting Short Screenplays That Connect
    By Claudia Hunter Johnson

    This guide to screenwriting teaches the craft by guiding the student through writing exercises of increasing length and complexity. The format allows the student to write directly in the book.

  • Crafting Short Screenplays That Connect
    By Claudia H. Johnson

    Written with clarity and humor, this book teaches the craft of writing short screenplays by guiding the student through carefully focused writing exercises of increasing length and complexity.