Creating Change explores the many ways the arts cultivate spiritual depth and transformation. Stories from artists and congregations reveal how the arts breathe new life into prayer, worship, theological reflection, and the work of justice.
"Laura Morris + Feng Shui = Magic. Anybody of any age can understand the simple and useful tools of this ancient principal just by reading a few pages of this masterfully curated book. A must read, must do book for sure!
No longer can we live life by default. Creating change in your life involves a thorough understanding that your thoughts are potent.The key to success and achieving better results is in using your personal power.
Anjie Cho, author of 108 Ways to Create Holistic Spaces. Laura Morris + Feng Shui = Magic. Anybody of any age can understand the simple and useful tools of this ancient principal just by reading a few pages of this masterfully curated book.
The two dozen essays assembled in Creating Change examine some of the most bitterly contested and controversial public events and public policy battles in American history.