This process could result in a rocket-shaped bar filled with peanut butter and jelly or tiny orange-filled candies in a package tied to a ... the position and responsibilities of the worker(s), and the physical arrangement of the desk.
The fourth edition of this well-known text continues the mission of its predecessors âe" to help teachers link creativity research and theory to the everyday activities of classroom teaching.
With this type of assessment, an individual is faced with a creative product and asked to make a determination: “Is this creative?” or “To what degree is this creative?” Assessments of creative products are made every day by art, ...
In some cases, particularly with advanced students, teachers may feel they do not have suflicient expertise to assess creative products. For these situations, expert judges using Amabile's (1982b, 1996) consensual assessment strategy ...
This volume contests the current higher educational paradigm of using objectives and outcomes as ways to measure learning.
Creativity in the Classroom: An Innovative Approach to Integrate Arts Education provides curricular ideas for enhancing creative work in the classroom through the lens of integrative arts.
Creativity in the Classroom: An Innovative Approach to Integrate Arts Education provides curricular ideas for enhancing creative work in the classroom through the lens of integrative arts.
The editors of this volume contend that the current paradigm of standardizing Higher Education through an outcomes-dominated approach can constrain the educational process, where teachers may feel pressured to resort to risk-aversive ...
This third edition continues to incorporate important aspects of creativity into daily activity of classroom life and theory regarding creativity.