Crime Prevention

  • Crime Prevention: A Critical Introduction
    By Karen Evans

    By 2008 a report for the Cabinet Office, authored by Louise Casey, formerly head of the Home Office AntiSocial Behaviour Unit, boasted: The Criminal Justice System has been reformed so that more offenders than ever are brought to ...

  • Crime Prevention: Programs, Policies, and Practices
    By Steven E. Barkan, Michael Rocque

    Terrill, William, and Michael D. Reisig. 2003. “Neighborhood Context and Police Use of Force.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 40(3):291–321. Walker, Samuel. 1998. Popular Justice: A History of American Criminal Justice.

  • Crime Prevention: Approaches, Practices, and Evaluations
    By Steven P. Lab

    Lipton, D., Pearson, F. S., Cleland, C. M., & Yee, D. (2002). The effectiveness of cognitive–behavioural treatment methods on recidivism. In J. McGuire (Ed.), Offender rehabilitation and treatment: Effective programmes and policies to ...

  • Crime Prevention: Approaches, Practices, and Evaluations
    By Steven P. Lab

    ... 102 Payne, B., 312 Pearson, F. S., 318, 324–325 Pease, K., 36–38, 45–46, 49, 62, 72–73, 93–95, 112–113, 116, 127–129, 153–154, 206, 208–212, 232–233, 341–342 Pechacek, T. F., 271–272 Pechmann, C., 146 Pelech, W., 329–330 Pelletier, ...

  • Crime Prevention: Approaches, Practices, and Evaluations
    By Steven P. Lab, Steven Lab

    Eckenrode, J., M. Campa, D.W. Luckey, C.R. Henderson, R. Cole, H. Kitzman, E. Anson, K. Sidora-Arcoleo, J. Powers, and D. Olds. (2010). “Long term effects of prenatal and infancy nurse home visitation on the life course of youths: 19 ...

  • Crime Prevention: A Critical Introduction
    By Karen Evans

    Available at: Trends_in_violence_2007.pdf (accessed 01.09.08). Smith, D.I. (2007) An Overview of Transitions and the Contribution of Recent Research. Youth Affairs Unit, De Montfort University, ...

  • Crime Prevention
    By David A. Mackey, Kristine Levan

    ... Reconciling Fairness, Privacy and Security, David A. Mackey, Criminal Justice Studies, Vol. 20, Issue 2, June 1, 2007. Reprinted by permission of Taylor & Francis Ltd. and bombings (Crank and Gregor, 2005; Fagin, 2006), but recent.

  • Crime Prevention: A Critical Introduction
    By Karen Evans

    How do we reduce and prevent crime? This is a question with which governments, academics and criminal justice professionals have been grappling for decades.

  • Crime Prevention: Principles, Perspectives and Practices
    By Adrian Cherney, Rob White, Adam Sutton

    Wilson, D. & Sutton, A. (2003) Open street CCTV in Australia: a comparative study of establishment and operation (Report on a Criminology Research Council Funded Project). Melbourne: Department of Criminology, University of Melbourne.

  • Crime Prevention: Programs, Policies, and Practices
    By Steven E. Barkan, Michael Rocque

    2019. “Adverse Childhood Experiences and Grade Retention in a National Sample of Us Children.” Sociological Inquiry 89(3):401–426. Hostinar, Camelia E., Kharah M. Ross, Edith Chen, and Gregory E. Miller. 2015.

  • Crime Prevention: Theory, Policy And Practice
    By Daniel Gilling

    Be a local hero. The Guardian, 12 July 1989. Pearson, G., H.Blagg, D.Smith, A.Sampson, P.Stubbs 1992. Crime, community and conflict. In Unravelling criminal justice, D.Downes (ed.). London: Routledge. Pease, K. 1994. Crime prevention.

  • Crime Prevention: Principles, Perspectives and Practices
    By Adrian Cherney, Rob White, Adam Sutton

    London: Palgrave Macmillan World Health Organisation (2009). Preventing Violence by Reducing the Availability and Harmful Use of Alcohol. Geneva: WHO —— (2018) Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health 2018, Geneva: WHO —— (2020) ...

  • Crime Prevention: Approaches, Practices, and Evaluations
    By Steven P. Lab

    Stallard, P., N. Simpson, S. Anderson, T. Carter, C. Osborn, and S. Bush (2005). “An evaluation of the FRIENDS programme: A cognitive behavior therapy intervention to promote emotional resilience.” Archives of Disease in Childhood ...

  • Crime Prevention
    By Adrian Cherney, Rob White, Adam Sutton

    'Risk Factors And Crime', in F. Cullen & P. Wilcox (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Criminological Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press Taylor, R. & Gottfredson, S. (1986). 'Environmental design, crime and prevention: An examination of ...

  • Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice, Second Edition
    By Stephen Schneider

    Fuelled in part by the positive evaluations of SCP measures, SCP theories, research, and strategies have been applied to a wide range of other criminal problems, including child sexual abuse (Wortley and Smallbone, 2006; ...

  • Crime Prevention: Principles, Perspectives and Practices
    By Adrian Cherney, Rob White, Adam Sutton

    This book examines a range of Australian examples within an international context. Part 1 presents an overview of the history and theory of crime prevention, featuring chapters on social prevention, environmental prevention and evaluation.

  • Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice, Second Edition
    By Rev Elizabeth Mackinley

    In Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice, Second Edition, Dr. Schneider has updated every chapter in this reliable text using the latest research, the most recently published articles and books, and feedback from professors and students ...

  • Crime Prevention
    By Nick Tilley

    This book provides a concise and up-to-date account of crime prevention theory, practice and research in a form designed to be accessible and interesting to both students and practitioners. Readers...

  • Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice, Second Edition

    This reliable text has been updated using the latest research, the most recently published articles and books, and feedback from professors and students using the first edition.

  • Crime Prevention
    By Adam Sutton

    Crime Prevention: Principles, Perspectives and Practices is a concise, comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of crime prevention. Part I presents an overview of the history and theory of crime prevention.