Criminal evidence
With the continued popularity of the Internet, the trading of child pornography has accelerated. ... In a California case, a required proof in a child porn case involved evidence that the image depicted a real minor.
Criminal Evidence
This book provides college students in Legal Studies, Criminal Justice, and other law or forensic-related fields with a detailed understanding of evidence law.
You'll know the answer once you read CRIMINAL EVIDENCE: PRINCIPLES AND CASES, 8E, International Edition. Whatever your future career in the justice system, this book outlines all you need to know about criminal evidence and its use.
Criminal Evidence: Principles and Cases + Careers in Criminal Justice
This textbook for students of criminal law provides instruction on the process of collecting, protecting, and presenting evidence in criminal cases in a manner that will assure its admissability. The...
137 MARYLAND EVIDENCE HANDBOOK, ยง 1207 at 573 (4th ed. 2010). 138 Pacheco v. State, 698 So. 2d 393 (Fla. 1997). 139 Christmas v. State, 2009 Miss. LEXIS 144 (2009). 140 Warren v. Conway, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 106309 (E.D.N.Y. 2008).
Updated with all the newest relevant law, this book is appropriate for undergraduate students in criminal evidence and related courses. Support material for the 14th Edition is available.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Bestselling author Matthew Lippman, a professor of criminal law and criminal procedure for over 25 years, creates an engaging and accessible experience for students from a public policy perspective through a multitude of contemporary ...
This practical text for students in career-oriented law enforcement programs has been thoroughly updated and carefully revised for improved clarity and comprehension.
Because only witnesses can be subject to impeachment, a nontestifying defendant cannot be impeached by evidence that he or she ... 2d 223, 2003 Fla. ... Lexis 569 (2002), citing 1 JOHN W. STRONG, MCCORMICK ON EVIDENCE } 33 (5th ed.
The first half of this book follows the Federal Rules of Evidence in its explanation of how evidence is collected, preserved, and presented in criminal court.
Bestselling author Matthew Lippman, a professor of criminal law and criminal procedure for over 25 years, creates an engaging and accessible experience for students from a public policy perspective through a multitude of contemporary ...
The book surveys the major concepts of evidence law such as relevance and burden of proof, discovery, admission of expert witness testimony, impeachment of witnesses, character evidence, hearsay, authentication of physical evidence, and ...
The book is organized in a logical way by first offering an introduction to criminal evidence, then sources of law, and finally the issues that may arise in an investigation and trial.
Written in a clear, lively, and personal style, this practical text for students in career-oriented law enforcement programs presents the basic concepts of criminal evidence applied in the criminal justice environment.
Concentrating on the Federal Rules of Evidence, this distinctive text presents in-depth yet accessible coverage of evidentiary law in fourteen succinct chapters.
Criminal Evidence