Criminal investigation has a high profile in the media, and has attracted widespread interest.
Designed for Criminal Investigation courses, this thoroughly revised and updated Fourth Edition integrates criminal investigation with forensic science and legal foundations. It provides an in-depth look at the investigative process...
For an undergraduate Criminal Justice course that focuses on general investigative techniques. Anecdotal in nature, this informative and clearly written text helps students discover the art and science of criminal...
This reader-friendly text includes a multitude of case examples to illustrate key points and as a basis for discussion about the proper conduct of criminal investigations.
An important contribution to the law enforcement field at every level "Criminal Investigation" is recognized as the most accurate, comprehensive, and practical book in its field. This updated edition examines...
Resource added for the Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement 105046 and Professional Studies 105045 programs.
Criminal investigation has a high profile in the media, and has attracted widespread interest.
In this brand new edition, author Steve Brandl goes beyond a simple how-to on investigative procedures, and draws from fascinating modern research, comprehensive cases, and criminal evidences to demonstrate their importance in the real ...
Covers established basic investigation policies, procedures, and techniques for the law enforcement officer. Professionalism and modern investigation tools are stressed throughout the text. The balance between theory and practice gives...
This text presents the fundamentals of criminal investigation and provides a sound method for reconstructing a past event (i.e., a crime), based on three major sources of information — people, records, and physical evidence.
This new edition includes problems associated with the investigation of child predators on the Internet, updates the chapter on terrorism, and provides explanations of the many changes in investigation that have resulted from the Patriot ...
This new edition contains more information on DNA and using technology in investigations, as well as a new case law decision dealing with sufficiency of investigative notes, new images dealing with forensic artistry, and an updated section ...
Unique to this book, it links specific investigative techniques to specific crimes and explains the relationship of criminalistics to the investigative process.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in Criminal Investigation.
With interest in criminal investigation at an all time high, the newest edition of this popular text is particularly useful. One of the most comprehensive reviews of the investigative...
Master modern investigative principles and practices using the field-based approach strongly grounded in current research with Hess/Hess Orthmann/Cho/Molan's CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, 12E. This best-selling book introduces established tools, practices and policies...
Criminal Investigation: Essays and Cases
Aldert Vrij, Ronald P. Fisher, and Hartmut Blank, “A Cognitive Approach to Lie Detection: A Meta-Analysis,” Legal and ... Donald Krapohl and Pamela Shaw, Fundamentals of Polygraph Practice (San Diego: Academic Press, 2015). 61.
Criminal Investigation
"Swanson's Criminal Investigation is widely recognized as the most accurate and comprehensive text in the field.