This anthology of original primary source materials explores the major components of the American justice system, introducing new ideas and approaches that strive to improve the current justice system toward...
In Criminal Justice in America, Pound recognizes the dangers law faces when it does not keep pace with societal change.
Finally, an alternative critical approach to introductory criminal justice! Criminal Justice in America: A Critical View paves the way for discussions on controversial issues of racial and economic inequities found...
Criminal Justice in America
Less expensive, shorter, and more approachable than most Introductory titles in the market today, this best selling text examines criminal justice as an interdisciplinary endeavor, sharing elements from criminology, sociology, law, history, ...
In CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN AMERICA, 7E, International Edition George Cole, Christopher Smith, and new coauthor Christina DeJong have accomplished much within a brief format.
"This authoritative set provides a comprehensive overview of issues and trends in crime, law enforcement, courts, and corrections that encompass the field of criminal justice studies in the United States"--
CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN AMERICA: MEDIA EDITION, 3rd is an offspring of Cole/Smith's THE AMERICAN SYSTEM OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 9th (2001). It relies on the hallmarks of "the Eagle, " including...
A brief and affordable paperback text for the introduction to criminal justice course.
Criminal Justice in America
This edition prompts you to consider what justice means in society and your role, as you review the processes defining the fate of those in the justice system and the impediments to achieving "equal justice under law.
Chapter objectives, chapter outlines, self-testing items.
Criminal Justice in America
Criminal Justice in America: Crime Control and Due Process
This book features solid and balanced research within a social science context that takes into account the economic, political, sociological, historical, and philosophical implications of the criminal justice system.
Cole and Smith's CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN AMERICA, Sixth Edition, lets you experience the real-world excitement of this dynamic field while helping you excel in your course with the support of proven, integrated study tools.