Crs Report for Congress

  • Crs Report for Congress: Stealing Trade Secrets and Economic Espionage
    By Charles Doyle, Congressional Research Service: The Libr

    Stealing a trade secret is a federal crime when the information relates to a product in interstate or foreign commerce, 18 U.S.C. 1832 (theft of trade secrets), or when the intended beneficiary is a foreign power, 18 U.S.C. 1831 (economic ...

  • Crs Report for Congress: The President's State of the Union Address
    By Colleen J. Shogan, Thomas H. Neale, Congressional Research Service: The Libr

    " In recent decades, the President has expanded his State of the Union audience, addressing the speech to both the nation and Members of Congress. Over time, the State of the Union address has evolved considerably.

  • Crs Report for Congress: Navy Force Structure and Shipbuilding Plans
    By Ronald O'Rourke, Congressional Research Service: The Libr

    The 30-year plan is intended to support the Navy's goal of achieving and maintaining a 313-ship fleet. The Navy first presented the 313-ship plan to Congress in February 2006.

  • Crs Report for Congress: Supreme Court Appointment Process
    By Denis Steven Rutkus, Congressional Research Service: The Libr

    The "Appointments Clause" (Article II, Section 2, clause 2) states that the President "shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint ... Judges of the supreme Court.

  • Crs Report for Congress: V-22 Osprey Tilt-Rotor Aircraft
    By Congressional Research Service: The Libr, Christopher Bolkcom

    As of June 30, 2004, the Defense Department estimated the program's total cost to be about $48 billion to develop and produce 458 aircraft. The Administration's FY2002 defense budget requested $3,278.3 million for the V-22 .

  • Crs Report for Congress: V-22 Osprey Tilt-Rotor Aircraft January 7, 2005 - Rl31384
    By Congressional Research Service: The Libr

    As of June 30, 2004, the Defense Department estimated the program's total cost to be about $48 billion to develop and produce 458 aircraft. The Administration's FY2002 defense budget requested $3,278.3 million for the V-22 .

  • Crs Report for Congress: Filibusters and Cloture in the Senate
    By Stanley Bach, Congressional Research Service: The Libr

    The right of Senators to speak on the floor at great lengtha "and so to filibustera "is the single most defining characteristic of the Senate as a legislative body.

  • Crs Report for Congress: Nato in Afghanistan
    By Congressional Research Service: The Libr, Paul Gallis

    The purpose of the mission is the stabilization and reconstruction of Afghanistan. The mission is a difficult one because it must take place while combat operations against Taliban insurgents continue.

  • Crs Report for Congress: Russian Capital Flight, Economic Reforms, and U. S. Interests
    By John P. Hardt, William H. Cooper, Congressional Research Service: The Libr

    Russian capital flight is a longstanding problem with very negative consequences for the Russian economy.

  • Crs Report for Congress: Agroterrorism
    By Congressional Research Service: The Libr, Alejandro E. Segarra

    Although U.S. intelligence agencies have not identified any terrorist acts targeting agricultural production (i.e., agroterrorism) in the United States to date, the events of September 11, 2001 have awakened the nation to their possibility.

  • Crs Report for Congress: The Global Peace Operations Initiative
    By Nina M. Serafino, Congressional Research Service the Libr

    The 111th Congress may consider extending the Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI), the centerpiece of the Bush Administrations efforts to prepare foreign security forces to participate in international peacekeeping operations.

  • Crs Report for Congress: Afghanistan
    By Congressional Research Service the Libr, Kenneth Katzman

    In his December 1, 2009, speech on Afghanistan, which followed the second review, President Obama stated that the Afghan government would be judged on performance, and "The days of providing a blank check are over.

  • Crs Report for Congress: Broadband Internet Access and the Digital Divide
    By Congressional Research Service the Libr, Lennard G. Kruger

    The "digital divide" is a term that has been used to characterize a gap between "information haves and have-nots," or in other words, between those Americans who use or have access to telecommunications technologies (e.g., telephones, ...

  • Crs Report for Congress: Takings Decisions of the U. S. Supreme Court
    By Robert Meltz, Congressional Research Service: The Libr

    By contrast, a taking action (also "inverse condemnation")--our topic here--is the procedural reverse.

  • Crs Report for Congress: Trade Issues in the 109th Congress
    By William H. Cooper, Congressional Research Service: The Libr

    This extension would be granted unless one House of the Congress passes a joint resolution of disapproval. The Congress will probably also debate U.S. participation in the WTO as it considers congressional resolutions to withdraw from .

  • Crs Report for Congress: Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (Isr) Acquisition
    By Congressional Research Service: The Libr, Richard A. Best

    Increasing calls for intelligence support and continuing innovations in intelligence technologies combine to create significant challenges for both the Executive and Legislative Branches.

  • Crs Report for Congress: Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (Isr) Programs
    By Congressional Research Service: The Libr, Richard A. Best

    For some time Congress has expressed concern about the costs and management of ISR programs. With minor exceptions, ISR acquisition has been coordinated by the Defense Department and the Intelligence Community.

  • Crs Report for Congress: Trade, Trade Barriers, and Trade Deficits
    By Congressional Research Service: The Libr, Craig K. Elwell

    The significant benefit of trade does not come without disruption and cost, however. Gaining the benefit of trade and also treating equitably those hurt by trade is often a difficult public policy issue.

  • Crs Report for Congress: Trans-Pacific Partnership (Tpp) Countries
    By Brock R. Williams, Congressional Research Service: The Libr

    Canada and Mexico are the most recent countries to join the negotiations and Japan has participated in consultations with the partner countries about the possibility of joining. The TPP negotiations are of significant interest to Congress.

  • Crs Report for Congress: Broadband Internet Access and the Digital Divide
    By Congressional Research Service the Libr, Lennard G. Kruger, Angele A. Gilroy

    The "digital divide" is a term that has been used to characterize a gap between "information haves and have-nots," or in other words, between those Americans who use or have access to telecommunications technologies (e.g., telephones, ...