As a result, the 112th Congress will continue to review these programs during the annual authorization and appropriations process. During the Cold War, the U.S. nuclear arsenal contained many types of delivery vehicles for nuclear weapons.
The Obama Administration finalized negotiations with South Korea in early December 2010 on a bilateral free trade agreement.
The current renewal debate is centered on .
While early versions of fast track/TPA received broad bipartisan support, renewal efforts have become increasingly controversial as fears have grown over the negative effects of trade, and as the trade debate has become more partisan and ...
While Senegal enjoys relative peace and political openness by regional standards, recent political trends and signs of a growing public backlash against the government have raised concerns among some analysts over the potential for future ...
The United States is the largest foreign direct investor in the world and also the largest recipient of foreign direct investment.
" The Court then declared that the inherent right of self-defense is central to the Second Amendment right, and that .
The resolution of inquiry is a House procedure that seeks factual information from the executive branch. The resolution is privileged and may be considered at any time after it is properly reported or discharged from committee.
The information included only scratches the surface on most of these issues. More detailed information can be obtained by consulting the CRS reports referenced herein, or by contacting the relevant CRS expert.
The Congressional Oversight Manual was developed about 25 years ago following a three-day December 1978 Workshop on Congressional Oversight and Investigations.
Current law requires the President to submit a comprehensive federal budget proposal to Congress no later than the first Monday in February.
It is the first in a three-part series of CRS reports that make use of analytical frameworks to better understand complex problems in border and transportation security and cast them in terms that facilitate the consideration of alternative ...
The individual sections below on specific issues reference more detailed CRS reports. The initial focus of the 108th Congress was on finalizing FY2003 funding not completed by the 107th Congress.
For additional information on Indonesia see the following Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports: CRS Report RS22136, East Timor Potential Issues for Congress by Rhoda Margesson and Bruce Vaughn; CRS Report RS20572, Indonesian ...
Defense: FY2009 Authorization and Appropriations Congressional Research Service Summary Soon after the 111th Congress convened, it began drafting H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, generally referred to as the ...
The impact of welfare policies on discouraging or encouraging marriage has long been a topic of discussion. Welfare programs, by providing single parents with the economic means to support their children, are thought to discourage marriage.
Over 90 congressional commissions have been established since 1989. Throughout American history, Congress has found commissions to be useful entities in the legislative process.
Congressional Membership and Appointment Authority to Advisory Commissions Congressional Research Service Summary Over the past several decades, Congress, by statute, has established a wide array of commissions, boards, and advisory bodies ...
It discusses options for assisting Members' constituents and the role of Members and staff in providing casework services. This report is intended for congressional use only.
The Congressional Oversight Manual was developed about 30 years ago following a three-day December 1978 Workshop on Congressional Oversight and Investigations.