Cultural Policy

  • Cultural Policy
    By David Bell, Kate Oakley

    Madden also notes considerable conceptual confusion over the arm's-length principle, including confusion over its status as a principle and slippage between definitions based around (i) the presence of an autonomous funding body and ...

  • Cultural Policy: Management, Value and Modernity in the Creative Industries
    By Dave O'Brien

    ... C. and Miller, P. (eds) (1991) The Foucault effect Chicago: University of Chicago Press Burnham, A. (2009) 'Andy Burnham's speech to University of Liverpool: five lessons from Liverpool's year as capital of culture' available from ...

  • Cultural Policy: Management, Value and Modernity in the Creative Industries
    By Dave O'Brien

    Likewise, space and time no longer offer the same constraints, particularly for those most closely associated with globalised capitalism (Freeland 2012). The advent of technologies of mobility (Urry 2007) have not caused the ...

  • Cultural Policy
    By David Bell, Kate Oakley

    First Published in 2014. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

  • Cultural Policy
    By Toby Miller, George Yúdice

    Offering the first comprehensive and international work on cultural policy, Toby Miller and George Yudice have produced a landmark work in the emerging field of cultural policy.

  • Cultural Policy
    By Toby Miller, George Yúdice

    This book rectifies the peculiar imbalance in the field of Cultural Studies by offering the first comprehensive and international work on cultural policy.

  • Cultural Policy
    By David Bell, Kate Oakley

    David Bell and Kate Oakley survey the major debates emerging in cultural policy research, adopting an approach based on spatial scale to explore cultural policy in cities, nations and internationally.

  • Cultural Policy
    By David Bell, Kate Oakley

    First Published in 2014. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

  • Cultural Policy
    By Toby Miller, George Yúdice

    Offering the first comprehensive and international work on cultural policy, Toby Miller and George Yudice have produced a landmark work in the emerging field of cultural policy.

  • Cultural Policy: Origins, Evolution, and Implementation in Canada's Provinces and Territories
    By Monica Gattinger, Diane St-Pierre

    ... L'administration publique des territoires et les instruments de l'action publique (with S. Belley, Presses de l'Université du Québec-PUQ, 2018) and Le rôle de l'État et des médias dans la promotion de la diversité des expressions ...

  • Cultural Policy
    By Toby Miller, George Yúdice

    This book rectifies the peculiar imbalance in the field of Cultural Studies by offering the first comprehensive and international work on cultural policy.

  • Cultural Policy: A Short Guide
    By Simon Mundy

    This is a personal analysis of the ingredients that should go into a good cultural policy. It reflects on the reasons why government needs to be concerned with culture, suggests...