It appears that Amazon and Google may use the voice sniffer to assist in targeted advertising (Porter, 2019). Just as with network sniffers, however, the technology could ultimately be used for malicious purposes, ...
In Craig Calhoun, Paul Price, and Ashley Timmer, eds. Understanding September 11. New York: New Press. “Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson.” 2003. ... Poulsen, K. 2003. “SecurityFocus News: Exploit Code on Trial.
See Robson, ''Origins of Phreaking,'' supra. The description of phreaking in the text is taken from this source and from the Wikipedia entry previously cited. The Bell Telephone System, which was the phone system at the time, ...
... C. and Angel, J. (eds) (2003) Computer Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press. ... Rimm, M. (1995) 'Marketing pornography on the information superhighway: a survey of 917,410 images, descriptions, short stories, and animations ...
In L. Cherny and E. Wise (Eds.), Wired Women: Gender and NewRealities in Cyberspace,. Seattle, WA: Seal Press. Brenner, S.(2001). Defining Cybercrime: A Review of State and FederalLaw. In R.D. Clifford (Ed.), Cybercrime: The ...
Unter den Begriff Cybercrime werden Straftaten gefasst, die mittels Informationstechnologie und IT-Strukturen begangen werden.
Phrenology is a classic example of this theory, and many psychologists and physicians keep a 'Fowler's phrenology head', which attempts to map psychological constructs onto various parts of a person's head.
Schneier, B. (November/December 2003). IEEE Security and Privacy, 1, 6. ... Sheng, S., Holbrook, M., Kumaraguru, P., Cranor, L. and Downs, J. (2010). ... Shernoff, D. J., Csikszentmihalyi, M., Schneider, B. and Shernoff, E. S. (2003).
E. EBay, 102, 104–105, 126. See also Online auction fraud ECPA (Electronics Communication PrivacyAct) of 1986,181,182,183–184 Education, of potential child pornography targets, 95 18 United States Code 110A (anti-stalking), ...
In one of my favorite words, you will become prickly. But I don't leave it there. This is a no-holds barred ride through the minds of the criminals - what makes them tick, why are they able to do it, and how can they be stopped?
This innovative text provides an excellent introduction to technology-assisted crime and the basics of investigating such crime, from the criminal justice perspective.
Now in its second edition, Cybercrime: Key Issues and Debates offers readers a thematic and critical overview of cybercrime, introducing the key principles and clearly showing the connections between topics as well as highlighting areas ...
This volume of essays from international sources explores the vulnerability of countries and people to cybercrime. Readers will explore cybercrime law worldwide, and take a look at the role of organized crime in cybercrime.
Also included in the book is a chapter on the role of organized crime in Internet fraud and another chapter on Internet hoaxes.
L.J. 1987-1988, 25 ss.; PRADEL-DANTIJUAN, Droit pénal special, 2a ed., Paris, 2001, 465; ... a cura di de Cataldo Neuburger, Padova, 1999, 42; WATT-FUERST, The 2004 Annotated Tremeear's Criminal Code, Toronto, 2003, 286-287; WILLIAMS, ...
Extensive appendices. This is a print on demand publication.
In this brief, accessible text, Peter Grabosky provides an introductory overview of cybercrime and the means for its control.
Cybercrime is a growing field of criminal activity, and it is important for readers to know as much as possible about it to avoid becoming a victim.
It looks at: *legislation *electronic criminal behaviour *privacy and liberty *the dangers of surveillance. Cybercrime explains the basic issues surrounding cybercrime and its impact on society.
tion to be free, and the greedy old media that wants to preserve a dying business model. ... There's much to be said for Levine's analysis of the competing financial interests on both sides of the debate: The current system looks much ...