Data Warehousing in the Real World: A Practical Guide for Building Decision-Support Systems. Harlow, UK, Addison-Wesley. ... The objectoriented database system manifesto. ... Building an Object-Oriented Database System: The Story of O2.
This text also provides practical content to current and aspiring information systems, business data analysis, and decision support industry professionals.
Covers the important requirements of teaching databases with a modular and progressive perspective. This book can be used for a full course (or pair of courses), but its first half...
This book is a comprehensive, practical, and student-friendly textbook addressing fundamental concepts in database design and applications.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
This book is ideal for a one- or two-term course in database management or database design in an undergraduate or graduate level course. With its comprehensive coverage, this book can also be used as a reference for IT professionals.
"Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management, Seventh Edition, is one of the most comprehensive database textbooks available. We have retained the Parts organization of our market-leading sixth edition and streamlined...
It has applications across a number of fields such as library systems, website management, inventory management, etc. This book sheds light on the modern techniques and methods of database system design, their applications and management.
This new edition has been fully updated to include new developments in the field, and features new chapters on: e-business, database development process, requirements for databases, and distributed processing.
The first half of the book provides in-depth coverage of databases from the point of view of the database designer, user, and application programmer.
This book provides a concise but comprehensive guide to the disciplines of database design, construction, implementation, and management.
Database Systems: The Complete Book
Taking users step-by-step through database development and creation, this title provides coverage of database basics, with exercises and problems at the end of each chapter which should encourage hands-on learning.
With its practical, accessible approach, Coronel/Morris' market-leading DATABASE SYSTEMS: DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION, & MANAGEMENT, 14th edition, equips you with a solid foundation in database design and implementation for today's market.
What You'll Learn Understand the relational model and the advantages it brings to software systems Design database schemas with integrity rules that ensure correctness of corporate data Query data using SQL in order to generate reports, ...
Database Systems: Design Implementation & Management
Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management
Designed for students learning databases for the first time, Database Systems: An Application Oriented Approach, Complete Version presents the principles underlying the design and implementation of databases and database applications....
With a strong hands-on component that includes real-world examples and exercises, this book will help students develop database design skills that have valuable and meaningful application in the real world.
Database Systems: Management and Design