Mac had to pin down both the killer and the money fast, now that his days were numbered -- for someone wanted him very, very dead... "Excitement and action... Good solid Dewey." -- San Francisco Examiner and Chronicle
Teenage runaway slaves with superhuman powers, a Hessian giant, the most evil slave owners imaginable, and Benjamin Franklin: this story of the Revolution blends fact and fantasy in an imaginative reinterpretation of a critical time in ...
How did Middle Saxon kings govern their estates, and how did the mechanism of early forms of regional administration work? A spectacular site on the outskirts of Higham Ferrers in...
Often entertaining and always informative, Death and Taxes is your guide to overcoming the nemeses of taxes and probate.
The first in the series of noir mysteries starring hard-drinking accountant Whit Whitney, Death and Taxes follows the calculating amateur detective as he looks into the murder of George MacLeod—a top tax consultant who was a close ...
With tax strategy examples from two experts in the field, this book is essential to making the changes you need to make the best choices with your money. They say there are two things in life you can't avoid: death and taxes.
Confidently advise on estate planning and the tax consequences of death with this consolidated guide to managing the affairs of the deceased.
Death and Taxes
Death and Taxes
Cover title: Death & taxes. Includes bibliographical references and index.
Death and Taxes
Death and Taxes: A Visual Guide to Where Your Tax Dollars Go
DIVThis ebook features an illustrated biography of Susan Dunlap including rare images from the author’s personal collection./div/div
Death and Taxes follows Mark Douglas, an ex-Marine turned IRS agent, who, along with auditing the weird and the profane, also spearheads weekend raids with his locked-and-loaded gang of government-sanctioned revenuers, merrily gathering ...