Pulling taut against the tether, the dog can only go in circles about the pole. After one full circle, or 360 degrees of turning about the pole, she is back where she started. Now with some work, and for want of anything better to do on ...
In this one-of-a-kind book, the work of many of the past century's most notable physicists, including Einstein, Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Dirac, Feynman, Gell-Mann, and Weinberg, is knit together in a thorough and accessible exposition of ...
I suppose that whathas driven memore than anything elseto write Deep Down Thingsis that in our society, such asitisnow, weare often attending to things that are less and less deepdown. Long before I discovered its expression inBuddhism ...
Beloved and critically acclaimed author Lin Jensen returns with this bounteous volume exploring what the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins calls "deep down things.
Deep Down Things is a collection of homilies, talks and letters based on daily scripture readings. They provide much enrichment for meditation and prayer.
Deep Down Things, Tamara Linse's debut novel, is the emotionally riveting story of three siblings torn apart by a charismatic bullrider-turned-writer and the love that triumphs despite tragedy.