Agent Rafe Roper has come back from the dead to protect the only woman he's ever loved Fate brought Rafe Roper into Trish Wright's café one stormy night.
As the Coronavirus ravaged the world economy with the yawning chasm of inequality between rich and poor getting deeper and wider no one seemed to notice the movement south into Africa of swathes of Al-Qaeda hardened committed fighters.
“Boys are emotionally illiterate and don’t want intimate friendships.” In this empirically grounded challenge to our stereotypes about boys and men, Niobe Way reveals the intense intimacy among teenage boys especially during early and ...
ÒBoys are emotionally illiterate and donÕt want intimate friendships.Ó In this empirically grounded challenge to our stereotypes about boys and men, Niobe Way reveals the intense intimacy among teenage boys especially during early and ...
Deep secrets
As Nancy’s summer vacation in the Hamptons draws to a close, she struggles to choose between Ned, her longtime beau, and the handsome dancer Sasha, and she investigates the kidnapping of a millionaire’s daughter.
Deep Secrets
Deep Secrets
See Lyn Mikel Brown, Sharon Lamb, and Mark Tappan, Packaging Boyhood: Saving our Sons from Superheroes, Slackers, and Other Media Stereotypes (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2009), 39. 4. See Niobe Way, Everyday Courage: The Lives and ...
Deep Secrets: The Discovery & Exploration of Lechuguilla Cave
... Stuff like that. And they be lying about it. The fact that he sees the exclusion of his friends as a betrayal as well as a form of dishonesty speaks to his firm sense of justice along with his empathic sensibility. Boys' expressions of ...