Bill Butterworth, Keynote Speaker to Fortune 500 companies & professional sports teams; Author of 36 books including Building Successful Teams & Everyday Influence; Coach; Ghostwriter; Founder, Butterworth Communicators Institute “Most ...
When the prestigious law firm of Wayne, Rothstein, and Lincoln catches two major cases--a rape case against a white NBA star who allegedly raped a black stripper, and a murder case against a black rapper who allegedly killed a gay couple ...
When the prestigious law firm of Wayne, Rothstein, and Lincoln catches two major cases—a rape case against a white NBA star who allegedly raped a black stripper, and a murder case against a black rapper who allegedly killed a gay couple ...
10 Clark, Lighting Fires, 52. See also Clark, There Is More!: The Secret to Experiencing God's Power, 31–32, and “Global Awakening History,” http: // (accessed ...
Recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Sheila Moore strikes up an invigorating friendship with the handsome Nicholas Washington. But Nicholas is also a good friend to the wife of Sheila's former lover. Can he be trusted?
These moments test a person’s commitment to those values and ultimately shape their character. But these are also the decisions that can make or break a career. Is there a thoughtful, yet pragmatic, way to make the right choice?
Poignant, sometimes humorous, always touching, these are the instances in our lives that have shaped us, changed our individual perspectives, and ultimately led us to each other to form this wonderfully diverse and talented family.
Recounts the experiences of exceptional people that the author has known, learned from, and worked with, including Dr. Judah Folkman, Max Fisher, Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan, and Elie Wiesel.
Defining Moments is a memoir containing 24 episodes strung together, in a unifying theme. The purpose of a memoir is to capture certain highlights or meaningful moments in one s...
These moments test a person's commitment to those values and ultimately shape their character. But these are also the decisions that can make or break a career. Is there a thoughtful, yet pragmatic, way to make the right choice?
This book will teach you how to use the R.A.R.E. methodology to: - Recognize Defining Moments in your life - Analyze those Moments and the options they present - Respond Effectively to those Moments to maximize their potential benefits "In ...
"Defining Moments is a deeply honest, personal and at times moving account of one man's voyage of self-discovery.
These are all questions that we most certainly will face. This book will prepare you to answer these questions and equip you to respond appropriately to the DEFINING MOMENTS that await you.
The book allows readers to acquire some understanding, clarity, and coping mechanisms needed to get back up again with confidence.
Defining Moments
When you can extract and apply insights and wisdom from the experiences of others, you are better equipped to handle your own defining moments in God-pleasing ways. The Bible is full of defining moments, both good and bad.
See Foster, ed., Minnie's Sacrifice. The following citations are drawn from this republished edition. There are parallels between Minnie's Sacrifice and Harper's later novel, Iola Leroy. See Carby, Reconstructing Womanhood, ch. 4. 55.
4Quoted in Robert Andrews, The Concise Columbia Dictionary of Quotations (New York: Columbia University Press, 1990), p. 155. 5James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner, The Leadership Challenge (San Francisco: JosseyBass, 1987), p. 16.
Just like you must have known it when I showed it to you many moons ago. So tell me, genius, why did you want to partner with me in the first place? It was not my scintillating, primitive design skill." "First of all, it was brilliant.
Defining Moments: Insights into the Lawyer's Soul, contains 42 inspired essays told by accomplished lawyers detailing their journey to conquer their fears, overcome obstacles, and to discover their true voices.