
  • Delirium: A Novel
    By Laura Restrepo

    ... sweetheart, I know finances aren't your strong point, but what I'm trying to tell you is that the instant you put a dollar from Pablo in your pocket, you automatically become his pawn, a worthless lackey at his beck and call.

  • Delirium: Requiem - Editura Nemira
    By Lauren Oliver

    88 a pus Pippa bomba. Cât a trecut de când a pornit sirena? Zece minute? Cincisprezece? Transpirația îmi curge pe sub brațe. Mă uit la căsuțele poștale, din mers. Una dintre aceste case, una dintre aceste impunătoare case albe, ...

  • Delirium: The Politics of Sex in America
    By Nancy L. Cohen

    Delirium tells the story of this shadow movement and how we can restore common sense and sanity in our nation's politics.

  • Delirium: The Politics of Sex in America
    By Nancy L. Cohen

    Delirium tells the story of this shadow movement and how we can restore common sense and sanity in our nation's politics.

  • Delirium: The Politics of Sex in America
    By Nancy L. Cohen

    Democrats had given blue-collar voters “the big brush-off, ousting their representatives from positions within the party and consigning their issues, with a laugh and a sneer, to the dustbin of history.” (Frank cited only one specific ...

  • Delirium
    By Laura Restrepo

    Aguliar returns home after a four-day business trip to discover that his beloved wife has gone mad.

  • Delirium
    By Lauren Oliver

    The first book in Lauren Oliver’s New York Times bestselling trilogy about forbidden love, revolution, and the power to choose.

  • Delirium: Acute Confusional States in Palliative Medicine
    By Luigi Grassi, Augusto Caraceni

    This volume provides palliative care physicians, specialist nurses, neurologists, psychiatrists, and other health professionals with a clear account of how to recognise and treat delirium, the most common neuro-psychiatric complication ...

  • Delirium
    By Ivo Gazzarrini

    IN VERITAS (2) Luce è sola nel deserto con la pistola puntata alla testa. Gli occhi spalancati, la mano tremante e il ghiaccio del ferro della canna che preme sulla tempia destra. ... «Tutto quel sangue versato inutilmente...» Luce cade ...

  • Delirium: Guía de asistencia clínica
    By José Carlos Mingote Adán, Pedro Manuel Holgado Madera

    El delirium o síndrome confusional es un trastorno médico que implica la alteración global del estado mental y que se caracteriza por la perturbación de la consciencia, de las funciones cognitivas (percepción, orientación, lenguaje y ...

  • Delirium
    By Douglas Cooper

    The critically acclaimed author of "Amnesia" presents his second book--the first novel ever serialized on the Internet--a thrilling story of ideas than spans continents and centuries, a psychological tour de...

  • Delirium: cuentos con y sin droga
    By León Pascal

    ... mamá y le cuento que tengo un nue- vo amigo . Está mal genio , dice que el papá no la puede ayudar porque está ... Me encierro en mi pieza . Acostado en la cama , arrojo una pelota de béisbol hasta el techo y la cacho con mi guante ...

  • Delirium
    By Laura Restrepo

    Internationally acclaimed for the virtuosity and power of her fiction, Laura Restrepo has created in Delirium a passionate, lyrical, devastating tale of eros and insanity.

  • Delirium: Acute Confusional States
    By Zbigniew Jerzy Lipowski

    Now in a completely rewritten version, this definitive work covers all aspects of delirium, a frequent complication of physical illness, especially in the elderly. Unique in its range of coverage,...

  • Delirium
    By Lauren Oliver

    Still, I worry. They say that in the old days, love drove people to madness. The deadliest of all deadly things: It kills you both when you have it and when you don't. Lauren Oliver astonished readers with her stunning debut, Before I Fall.

  • Delirium: Acute Brain Dysfunction in the Critically Ill
    By E. Wesley Ely, Christopher G. Hughes, Pratik P. Pandharipande

    This text provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview of acute brain dysfunction in the critically ill.

  • Delirium: Diagnosis, Management and Prevention
    By Randell Alonso

    This book discusses how delirium affects the critically ill; early detection of delirium; delirium in surgical patients; and delirium's connection to eating disorders.

  • Delirium: Acute Brain Failure in Man
    By Zbigniew Jerzy Lipowski

    Delirium: Acute Brain Failure in Man

  • Delirium
    By Barbara Hamby

    Winner of the 1994 Vassar Miller Prize in Poetry, judged by Cynthia MacDonald. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

  • DeLiRiuM
    By Pınar Nurhan

    ... ruhlar tarafından kaçırıldım, bedenim ruhlar evi artık. Bana her dokunulduğunda etimin içinde başka bir ruh dile geliyor. Saydam bir perdeye dönüşüyor bedenim. İşte sana anlatacağım hikâyeler böyle dile gelmeye başlayacak. Olabildiğince ...