Deliver Us from Evil is the sweeping saga of one man's struggle to find his place in an ever-changing world.
And when tough, sexy local sheriff Skye McPherson refuses to believe something supernatural is at work, Anthony realizes that to deliver us from evil, he must first win Skye's trust, then her heart.
Deliver Us From Evil is the true story of Chris and Roseann Cupit and their struggle against demonic forces targeting their family.
Cindy Jacobs reveals the deadly impact of Satan's dominion over the media and the resulting rise in violence and immorality that plague our society.
Contains strong language, violence, and sexual situations some may find triggering.This is the last book in a series. Cannot be read as a standalone.No cheating. HEA guaranteed.
Monsters are real...and that monster is me.
This book deals with the investigations and reports of supernatural activities such as the case of the demons that drove an 18-year old girl to practice human vampirism.
Shadowy operative Shaw and Reggie Campion, a woman working for a secret vigilante group, must work together in a deadly duel of nerve and wits against a surprising enemy, in a struggle that leads them around the world at a breakneck pace.
Deliver Us from Evil: Bad Things Do Happen to Good People
Malcom Jones, “Is Pokemon Evil? ... of Secrets remain number one and number two respectively on the New York Times Children's Books Best-Seller List as of August 14, 2001. ... Larson, Extreme Evil, Kids Killing Kids (Nashville, TN.
Deliver Us from Evil
He was also a sociopath and a pedophile. Deliver Us From Evil is a disturbing and horrifying account of this abuse from the perspective of Walton Hunter's daughter, Deborah.
Deliver Us from Evil is the sweeping saga of one man's struggle to find his place in an ever-changing world.
In this, his new book, he turns to the most infamous murderer in the world today - the Yorkshire Ripper. This is the story of a man who killed his women victims with grotesque cruelty. Who eluded one of the greatest hunts in history.
Book 1 In the Shadow of the Mountain series. A majestic story of faith and heroism from World War I. Reveals the untold story of Turkey's darkest secret that some have called "the other Holocaust."
Chronicles the experiences of the author and her sister, Laura--siblings of the pop singer, Thalia--who were kidnapped in Mexico City in 2002, describing their time in captivity and the author's readjustment to society after being set free.
Deliver Us from Evil is one woman's adventure of a lifetime set against the backdrop of World War I, with all the drama and suspense of that volatile age.
On September 22, 2002, Mexican writer Ernestina Sodi and her sister, actress Laura Zapata, were kidnapped at gunpoint in Mexico City.
This “seizing the living scroll of human progress,” as the Edin–burgh Review described it, locked step with the conquering march of science and left its mark on the American mind. Secularism as a sociopolitical theory–this ...
Also in the book: Resisting Satan's Attack Against Household, Breaking Curses From Our Lives, Warfare Prayer, The Armor of God, Renunciation of Satan, Prayer For Deliverance, Prayer Against Every Evil, Short Prayer to St. Michael, Original ...