Jonathan S. Landay and Ali Watkins, “CIA admits it broke into Senate computers; senators call for spy chief's ouster,” McClatchy Washington Bureau, July 31, 2014.
Contributors to this important book hope to draw public attention to the tragedy, to honor its victims, and to bring a clear and timely historical voice to the debate over its legacy.
More people registered to vote in 2016 than ever before, even if turnout was about the same as 2012. That shows people want a system they can believe in. This book will speak to them and show them how they can fight for a better democracy.
Hing Hing Ming reviews some of the major episodes of the Han Dynasty, from its founding by Liu Bang to the Lü Clan Disturbance and subsequent diplomatic overtures and military campaigns against the minor Chinese kingdoms, the Mongols, and ...
Democracy Betrayed: Okinawa Under U.S. Occupation
Twelve essays on the Wilmington "race riot" of 1898--the most notorious episode of a white supremacy campaign in which white conservatives used violence, demagoguery, and fraud to seize political power and disenfranchise black citizens.