
  • Depression
    By William Styron

    In this true account of his depression, Styron describes an illness that reduced him from a successful writer to a man arranging his own destruction.

  • Depression: A Very Short Introduction
    By Jan Scott, Mary Jane Tacchi

    ... HOLES Katherine Blundell BLOOD Chris Cooper THE BLUES Elijah Wald THE BODY Chris Shilling THE BOOK OF MORMON Terryl Givens BORDERS Alexander C. Diener and Joshua Hagen THE BRAIN Michael O'Shea THE BRICS Andrew F. Cooper THE BRITISH ...

  • Depression: Theories and Treatments : Psychological, Biological, and Social Perspectives
    By Arthur Schwartz, Ruth M. Schwartz

    been linked with anger and agitation ( Trachtenberg and Blum 1987 ; Blum and Trachtenberg 1988 ) . Opioid drugs such as heroin lessen these feelings , possibly by substituting for the natural analgesics ( painkillers ) , the endorphins ...

  • Depression: An Introduction
    By Barbara Dowds

    ... 130 core conditions, 131 Rolls, E., 93 Rosenberg, S., 42, 49, 119 Roth, T., 28, 29, 68 Rottenberg, J., 6, 11 Rowan, J., 99 Rowe, D., 88, 104, 109 on Rice-Oxley, 83 Rowson, J., 72 Rudolph, K., 16, 17, 18 salience network, 92, 138 Schore,

  • Depression: An Introduction
    By Barbara Dowds

    Lin, L., Sidani, J., Shensa, A., Radovic, A., Miller, E., Colditz, J., Hoffman, B., Giles, L., & Primack, B. (2016). Association between social media use and depression among U.S. young adults. Depression and Anxiety, 33: 323–331.

  • Depression: The Evolution of Powerlessness
    By Paul Gilbert

    Ferguson, B., & Tyrer, P. (1989). Rating instruments in psychiatric research. In C. Freeman & P. Tyrer (Eds.), Research Methods in Psychiatry: A Beginner's Guide. London: Gaskell: The Royal College of Psychiatrists.

  • Depression: A Primer for Practitioners
    By Steven Richards, Michael G. Perri

    ... 77,78, 84, 184,209, 213 Wallace, L. E., 56 Wallace, M., 12 Wallace, P. M., 205 Wallace, R. B., 95 Walters, E. E., 103, 115, 155 Walters, S. T., 94 Wampold, B. E., 178, 183 Wang, M. C., 108, 115 Wang, N.Y.,76, 122, 136 Warner, H. A., ...

  • Depression
    By Jan Scott, Mary Jane Tacchi

    ... Edmonds THE REAGAN REVOLUTION Gil Troy REALITY Jan Westerhoff THE REFORMATION Peter Marshall RELATIVITY Russell Stannard RELIGION IN AMERICA Timothy Beal THE RENAISSANCE Jerry Brotton RENAISSANCE ART Geraldine A. Johnson REVOLUTIONS ...

  • Depression: Don't Take It Lying Down: Day to Day Coping Strategies for the Down Hearted
    By Karen Peterson Yochim

    This is a day to day calendar book of coping skills for the depressed reader. One paragraph for each day of the year. It provides encouragement and motivation to push forward through a trying time.

  • Depression: The Way Up When You Are Down
    By Edward T. Welch

    Edward T. Welch helps us understand the spiritual issues involved, whether one's depression is caused by physical problems or results in them.

  • Depression: The Way I Think, the Way I Feel.
    By Alan Watson

    In a world full of different "truths" Depression: The Way I think, The Way I Feel gives you the space you need for clarity of thought and clarity of purpose - if you've ever asked yourself "who do I want to be" or "how can I be the best ...

  • Depression
    By Wolfgang Ihle, Gunter Groen, Daniel Walter

    ... Burstein, M., Swanson, S.A., Avenevoli, S., Cui, L. et al. (2010). Lifetime prevalence of mental disorders in U. S. adolescents: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication — Adolescent Supplement (NCS-A).

  • Depression: Journal Treatment and Condition Log Book
    By Steve Wilson

    But you can take action! Record your experiences, feelings, your treatment regimen, and your body's reaction. This volume consists of 150 plain college-ruled pages. Depression is more than simply feeling unhappy or fed up for a few days.

  • Depression: Be Gone !
    By Anne Elizabeth Nixon

    Depression is a disorder many people know little about.

  • Depression: The Breakthrough Integrative Approach for Effective Treatment
    By Deborah Mitchell, Michael B. Schachter

    Depression is a serious illness that can often havedetrimental effects on one's personal and professional life -but it doesn't have to.

  • Depression: A Very Short Introduction
    By Jan Scott, Mary Jane Tacchi

    ... Robert Louis Stevenson, Leo Tolstoy, Mark Twain, and Virginia Woolf; artists include Michelangelo, Edvard Munch, Georgia O'Keeffe, Vincent van Gogh; and musicians range from Mozart, Handel, and Schumann to Charlie Mingus.

  • Depression: Causes and Treatment
    By Aaron T. Beck, Ph.D., M.D.

    Jarrett RB, Schaffer M, McIntire D, Witt-Browder A, Kraft D, Risser RC. Treatment of atypical depression with cognitive therapy or phenelzine: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 1999; 56:431–437. 31. Judd LL.

  • Depression: The Misunderstood Illness
    By Leslie Lim

    ... 91178981411222266 ARMOUR Publishing Books WITH A PURPOSE ARMOUR.

  • Depression: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Children and Young People
    By Chrissie Verduyn, Julia Rogers, Alison Wood

    Goodyer, I.M., Dubicka, B., Wilkinson, P., Kelvin, R., Roberts, C., Byford, S., Breen, S., Ford, C., Barrett, B., Leech, A., Rothwell, J., White, L. and Harrington, R. (2007) 'Selective serotonin inhibitors (SSRIs) and routine ...

  • Depression: A practical guide
    By Harry Barry

    This creates pain and suffering in many relationships. Information is the key to breaking this impasse. Hopefully, by challenging common misconceptions about depression, loved ones can empathise and support those in difficulty.