Glossary of dermatological terms Labscess A localized collection of pus in a cavity formed by disintegration or necrosis of tissues, and usually caused by a microorganism. acantholysis (Gk akantha – thorn – and lyein – to loosen, ...
70.7 Hirsutism in Stein - Leventhal's syndrome (. Fig . 70.6 Synthesis of glucocorticoids and androgens . Cholesterol 20-22 Desmolase Aldosterone 7 3BHSD 21B0H 11BOH Pregnenolone Progesterone Corticosterone 17 - Hydroxylase 17 ...
More common in the summer months , the changes of keratolysis exfoliativa probably reflect low - grade chemical or physical ... Constitutional signs of fever and weakness are sometimes seen with more numerous or larger abscesses , as is ...
... HTLV-III 49 human flea 252 humoral allergic reactions 277 Hunter's disease 888 Hunter's mucopolysaccharidoses 880 ... and carbohydrate-induced 855 hyperlipidemic xanthomatoses 852 hyperlipoproteinemia(s) – acquired 856 – associated ...
Glandular fever , Pfeiffer glandular fever , with conflicting opinions in the literature . kissing disease , mono Both nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and analgesics may be used to treat the acute pain . Definition .
... 169 E eccrine gland tumours 186–7 echthyma 207 ectropion 72 eczema asteatotic 21 atopic 14–16 contact/irritant 25–7 ... 236 Hutchinson's sign 195 Hutchinson's summer prurigo 120 hydroa vacciniforme 122, 123 hypercholesterolaemia 181 ...
Scrimenti , R. J .: Erythema chronicum migrans . Arch . Taylor , W. B. , and Bondurant , C. P. , Jr .: Erythema Dermatol . 102 : 104 , 1970 . neonatorum allergicum . Arch . Dermatol . 76 : 591 , 1957 . Shafer , N .: Why Reiter's disease ...
... erythematous plaques, with proEmma Thompson, actress minent follicular plugging. If the scale is lifted off, follicular plugs may be seen on its undersurface – the so‐called 'carpet‐tack' (or 'tin‐tack') sign. There ...
Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2012. - Bolognia JL, Schaffer JV, Duncan KO, Ko CJ. Dermatology Essentials. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2014. - Yale Dermatology Residents' Slide Collection - Yale Department of Dermatology ...
The book also gives advice regarding the successful co-ordination of care with other primary care health professionals, dermatologists and other appropriate specialists, promotes patients' skin well-being, and helps physicians empower ...
Aimed at the general practitioner, using evidence-based medicine to bring current research to primary care physicians, this book features a "top 40" of skin conditions. 15% of general practice consultations concern skin conditions, and 70% ...
... Friedemann Enders, Peter Frosch, Günter Goerz (f), Wolfgang Hartschuh, Conrad Hauser, Stefan Hödl, Erhard Hölzle, Heiko Iven, Thomas Jansen, Peter Kaudewitz, Martina Kerscher, Peter Kind, Peter Karl Kohl, Hans Christian Korting, ...
The 'spaghetti and meatball' appearance of the spores and pseudohyphae of the yeast microscopically in the skin scrapings is typical. ii. The yeast is a normal inhabitant of hair follicles and only becomes pathogenic in relatively ...
Clear and concise Internet navigational directories designed to lead physicians directly to websites that have been reviewed by peer leaders and professionals in various medical specialties.
Written by a previous Chief Resident of Dermatology at the University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Center, the text focuses on presenting comprehensive information in an easy-to-understand, easy-to-remember format.
This book presents a comprehensive coverage of clinical dermatology, including: review of basic anatomical and physiological principles ; survey of skin disease and the dermatological manifestation of other internal disorders ; summary of ...
This dermatology compendium is an invaluable helper for all dermatology problems, and the user is sure to consult it many times daily.
Designed for dermatologists, dermatopathologists, and trainees of all levels, Dermatology: Visual Recognition and Case Reviews is a brand-new resource that aims to maximize your skill at recognizing diseases by visual presentation.
A B C D F E Figure 3.49 A: Primary amyloidosis ('pinch' purpura) D: Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis B: Paget's disease (Reprint from Morgan MB, Smoller BR, Somach SC. Deadly Dermatologic Diseases. New York, NY: Springer; ...
Following the layout of the successful first edition, even more tips, short lists, and tables, including mnemonics and memory tricks to mentally organize information fill every inch of this book – a must-have for any dermatologist and ...