Satisfaction of the Neyman–Pearson objective also requires a likelihoodratio criterion decision rule, with the value of likelihood ratio set to produce the desired false-alarm rate. Jerzy Neyman and Karl Pearson were among the founding ...
Signal detection models for the same-different task. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 57(1–2), 43–51. 2013.02.002 Francis, M. A., & Irwin, R. J. (1995).
Irwin, R.J., & Francis, M.A. (1995a). Perception of simple and complex visual stimuli: Decision strategies and hemispheric differences in same-different judgments. Perception, 24, 787–809. Irwin, R.J., & Francis, M.A. (1995b).
It has since been utilized in areas as diverse as animal behavior and X-ray diagnosis. This book covers the basic principles of detection theory, with separate initial chapters on measuring detection and evaluating decision criteria.
Detection Theory, Second Edition is an introduction to one of the most important tools for analysis of data where choices must be made and performance is not perfect.
Throughout the book, the author keeps the needs of practicing engineers firmly in mind.