In P. Duignan & R. J. S. Macpherson (Eds.), Educative leadership: A practical theory for new administrators and managers (1–17). Lewes, Australia: Falmer. Durrant, J. (2004). Teachers leading change: Frameworks and key ingredients for ...
Thus, in early educational leadership research, Hersey and Blanchard (1969) matched leadership styles and the maturity of “followers” while House matched styles with subordinates' characteristics. More recently, Hooijberg and DiTomaso ...
"This book contributes to the literature on teacher leadership with a particular focus on schoolwide excellence in teaching, learning, and assessment.
An invaluable culmination of research data, this book asserts that the keys to school vitality are the redefinition of educational leadership and the elevation of the percepti.
Foreword by Andy HargreavesWitness the power of Teachers Leaders and put it to work in your school! An invaluable culmination of research data, this book asserts that the keys to...
Developing Teacher Leaders: How Teacher Leadership Enhances School Success