Check with the seller prior to purchase. -- John Squires and Karen Wyrick have used their successes in the classroom and the lab to design theMyMathLab for Developmental Mathematics eCourse.
Review Exercises; Test; CHAPTER 2 Multiplying and Dividing Fractions; 2.1 Basics of Fractions; Study Skills: Homework: How, Why, and When; 2.2 Mixed Numbers; 2.3 Factors; 2.4 Writing a Fraction in Lowest Terms; Study Skills: Using Study ...
NEW! The Video Notebook is an unbound, three-hole-punched workbook/note-taking guide that students use in conjunction with the Sullivan/Struve/Mazzarella "Author in Action" videos.
The text is known for its two-column example format that provides annotations to the left of the algebra.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Developmental Mathematics: Prealgebra, Elementary Algebra and Intermediate Algebra -- Student Access Kit
Instructors can choose the ideal combination of resources for their students: The text is known for its two-column example format that provides annotations to the left of the algebra.
This edition has a greater emphasis on guided learning and helping students get the most out of all of the resources available, including new mobile learning resources, whether in a traditional lecture, hybrid, lab-based, or online course.
The Bittinger Worktext Series changed the face of developmental education with the introduction of objective-based worktexts that presented math one concept at a time.
The Bittinger Worktext Series changed the face of developmental education with the introduction of objective-based worktexts that presented math one concept at a time.
KEY MESSAGE: Building on its reputation for accurate content and a unified system of instruction, the Seventh Edition of Bittinger/Beecher's Developmental Mathematics paperback integrates success-building study tools, innovative pedagogy, ...
COLLABORATIVE LEARNING ACTIVITIES MANUAL DEVELOPMENTAL MATHEMATICS SIXTH EDITION Marvin L. Bittinger Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Judith A. Beecher Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis PEARSON This One ...
Developmental Mathematics: College Mathematics and Introductory Algebra
The Bittinger Series enables students to get the most out of their MyLab(tm) Math course through an updated learning path, new review videos, and engaging new exercises that offer the support they need, when they need it.
John Squires and Karen Wyrick have used their successes in the classroom and the lab to design the MyMathLab for Developmental Mathematics eCourse.
The MyMathLab Notebook can be packaged with the Squires and Wyrick MyMathLab access kit or downloaded from the MyMathLab eCourse.
Normal 0 false false false The MyMathLab Notebook accompanies the Squires and Wyrick eCourse and shows key examples from the step-by-step videos along with extra space for students to take notes.
The MyMathLab Notebook can be packaged with the Squires and Wyrick MyMathLab access kit or downloaded from the MyMathLab eCourse.
0321853490 / 9780321853493 MyMathLab for Squires / Wyrick Developmental Mathematics -- Access Card plus Notebook for Squires / Wyrick Developmental Mathematics Package consists of 0321758692 / 9780321758699 MyMathLab for Squires / Wyrick ...
This package consists of the MyMathLab access card plus the unbound, loose-leaf MyMathLab Notebook. John Squires and Karen Wyrick have drawn upon their successes in the classroom and the lab as inspiration forMyMathLab for Prealgebra.