Roberts, L., & Hill, H. (2003). Using children's literature to debunk gender stereotypes. Young Children, 58(2), 39–42. Roskos, K., & Christie, J. (Eds.). (2001). Play and literacy in early childhood: Research from multiple perspectives ...
Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Curriculum and Development in Early Education, 3e is a thoughtful and comprehensive reference that is now even more effective with the addition of several new features and...
Among other changes, this edition includes new integration of professional standards, model letters for communicating with families, real-world scenarios for practicing intentional decision-making, and the latest on brain research relevant ...
Chapters include: - What Is Developmentally Appropriate Practice?
An Essential Resource for Teachers of Infants and Toddlers Edited and compiled just for teachers of infants and toddlers, this resource explains developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) so teachers can apply DAP in their work with infants ...
Carol Copple is a highly respected early childhood education author, educator, and consultant. For 16 years she served as a senior staff member at NAEYC, and her responsibilities included directing the books program.
Section V, available on the book's website, discusses how teachers can make changes that result in more developmentally appropriate practices and how to gain support for those changes with families and communities.
Section V, available on the book's website, discusses how teachers can make changes that result in more developmentally appropriate practices and how to gain support for those changes with families and communities.
This edition, thoroughly revised to reflect the new NAEYC position statement on Developmentally Appropriate Practice, also includes new content on aligning early childhood teaching practices with national education standards, in addition to ...
Written for educators, administrators, child caregivers, and parents, Developmentally Appropriate Practice provides the help essential for nurturing the development of children from birth to age eight.