Did Jesus Rise From the Dead?

  • Did Jesus Rise From the Dead?: The Resurrection Debate
    By Gary R. Habermas, Antony Flew, Terry L. Miethe

    ( Grand Rapids , MI : Eerdmans , 1977 ) , 83 ; Bruce , The New Testament Documents , 48–49 ; Harrison ... R. T. France and David Wenham ( Sheffield , England : JSOT Press , 1981 ) , 173–200 ; Robert H. Stein , “ Was the Tomb Really ...

  • Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?: Historical and Theological Reflections
    By Matthew Levering

    It follows logically that when our created intellect perceives that the claim that Jesus rose from the dead is ... 1995); and Randall S. Rosenberg, The Givenness of Desire: Concrete Subjectivity and the Natural Desire to See God ...

  • Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?: Historical and Theological Reflections
    By Matthew Levering

    ... Burial and Resurrection (Mt 27,57–28, 20),” in Resurrection in the New Testament: Festschrift J. Lambrecht, ed. ... Note that for Rees, the term “hallucination” is pejorative, and so he prefers the term “bereavement experience,” ...

  • Did Jesus Rise From the Dead?: The Resurrection Debate
    By Gary R. Habermas, Antony Flew, Terry L. Miethe

    MIETHE : Let us take John A. T. Robinson , for instance . What moved him from his position earlier in life , obviously a stance that would be much closer to Tony's position , about the critical nature of the text to a position with ...

  • Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?: Discover the Evidence... Decide for Yourself

    But must we take the resurrection of Jesus Christ by faith alone, or is there solid historical evidence? Several skeptics began investigations into the historical record to prove the resurrection account false. What did they discover?

  • Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?
    By William Craig

    Dr. Craig adapted this work from his own work, On Guard. Perfect material to prepare yourself to share the Gospel with someone from another religion, this work is unquestionably important.