In the late 1970s Bill Thurston recognized a property of ends which captures many useful topological and geometrical properties of the examples discussed at the end of $2, but is sufficiently broad, conjecturally, that all ends of N ...
This book will supply a graduate student in mathematics or theoretical physics with the fundamentals of these objects.
... C-valued function on the set Ok O Ok, given by pore C–(0}. The transition function writes (ps, ..., p. 1) as the function of (p1, ..., p.m_1) given as follows: If i < ko then p = p/pp. If k < i < k, then p = p, 11/pio. p = 1/pio.
Press, Princeton, NJ, 1976. S. Hildebrandt, Boundary behavior of minimal surfaces, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 35 (1969), 47–81. D. Hoffman, The computer-aided discovery of new embedded minimal surfaces, Math. Intelligencer 9 (1987), no.
... Stana Nikcevic Simic (Belgrade, Serbia) Ana Irina Nistor (Iasi, Romania) Tadeo Noda (Chiba, Japan) Hiraku Nozawa (Tokyo, Japan) José Antonio Oubi ̃na Gali ̃nanes (Santiago, Spain) Rui Pacheco (Covilha, Portugal) Daniel Peralta-Salas ...
Proceedings of the VIII International Colloquium, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 7-11 July 2008 Jesús A. Alvarez López, Eduardo García-Río. Differential Geometry Santiago de Compostela, Spain 7–11 July 2008 Proceedings of the VIII ...
The only book that introduces differential geometry through a combination of an intuitive geometric foundation, a rigorous connection with the standard formalisms, computer exercises with Maple, and a problems-based approach.
This text presents a graduate-level introduction to differential geometry for mathematics and physics students.
An introductory textbook on the differential geometry of curves and surfaces in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, presented in its simplest, most essential form. With problems and solutions. Includes 99 illustrations.
This text contains an elementary introduction to continuous groups and differential invariants; an extensive treatment of groups of motions in euclidean, affine, and riemannian geometry; more. Includes exercises and 62 figures.
This carefully written book is an introduction to the beautiful ideas and results of differential geometry.
This text presents a graduate-level introduction to differential geometry for mathematics and physics students.
With just the basic tools from multivariable calculus, plus a little knowledge of linear algebra, it is possible to begin a much richer and rewarding study of differential geometry, which is what is presented in this book.
This book consists of two parts, different in form but similar in spirit. The first, which comprises chapters 0 through 9, is a revised and somewhat enlarged version of the 1972 book Geometrie Differentielle.
The second of three parts comprising Volume 54, the proceedings of the Summer Research Institute on Differential Geometry, held at the University of California, Los Angeles, July 1990 (ISBN for the set is 0-8218-1493-1).
This classic work is now available in an unabridged paperback edition.
... ( u2 + $ 2 ) dv2 Let the surface of revolution isometric with ( 1 ) be r = ( g ( u ) cos v , g ( u ) sin v , f ( u ) ) As in Example 3 of 2.14 , the metric of the surface of revolution is ds22 = ( 812 + fi2 ) du2 + g2 dv2 Since ds2 = ds2 ...
This classic work is now available in an unabridged paperback edition.
This book combines the classical and contemporary approaches to differential geometry.
This book will be useful for researchers and graduate students in science and engineering.