As one writer on the subject , Robert Bolton , says , ' It is easy to criticise ideas even of an intellectual giant as long as one never addresses the complex problems ( they ) are trying to understand .
The Client Refuses to Deal with a Woman Sally Brown , who's the credit manager for a large construction firm , solved a problem she was facing in a rather humorous way . She had to put up with what seemed like too many clients who ...
In this book we'll look at: The different types of difficult people and why they are the way that they are. The most effective methods to use when dealing with each of the different types of difficult people.
Provides reasons why some people may treat others badly, and offers advice on finding ways to handle problems with parents, teachers, other teens, bosses and fellow workers, and strangers.
How do difficult people enforce their demands on others? You'll read more about that in this book, as well as topics such as: How pressure from the inside and the outside affect people and turn them into difficult characters to deal with.
This book covers a broad range of topics and will: • Teach you how to deal with difficult conversations to avoid conflict and resolve differences productively • Improve your communication skills at work, so that you can get your point ...
While the rest of this book will be covering specific situations and ways to deal with difficult people, there is one very important thing that must be covered first and that is your responsibility in any situation.
In each of these cases we must depart gracefully. We should not leave with anger. We must never slander our former church. We must simply agree to disagree. There are times when we find ourselves saying, "Why should I leave, this was my ...
This book explains the reasons behind the attitude of some people, as well as steps and ways on how to deal with them. You'll also understand how to stop becoming infected by their negativity. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn.