Directory of World Cinema

  • Directory of World Cinema: Japan
    By John Berra

    As the inaugural volume of an ambitious series from Intellect documenting world cinema, the directory aims to play a part in moving intelligent, scholarly criticism beyond the academy by building a forum for the study of film that relies on ...

  • Directory of World Cinema: Germany
    By Michelle Langford

    Directory of World Cinema: Germany

  • Directory of World Cinema: American Independent
    By John Berra

    Copious illustrations and a range of research resources round out the volume, making this a truly comprehensive guide.

  • Directory of World Cinema: American Hollywood 2
    By Lincoln Geraghty

    The second volume of "Directory of World Cinema: American Hollywood" builds on its predecessor by exploring how the industry has evolved and expanded throughout its history.

  • Directory of World Cinema: Brazil
    By Natalia Pinazza, Louis Bayman

    This volume seeks to introduce newcomers to Brazilian cinema and to offer valuable insights to those already well versed in the topic.

  • Directory of World Cinema: Germany
    By Michelle Langford

    Directory of World Cinema: Germany

  • Directory of World Cinema: China 2
    By Gary Bettinson

    Since the publication of the first volume of Directory of World Cinema: China, the Chinese film industry has intensified its efforts to make inroads into the American market.

  • Directory of World Cinema: Britain 2
    By Neil Mitchell

    ... (1994) 'Review: “Shallow Grave”', Variety, 18 May, ... Wants to Be a Millionaire?'). However, when he is due to answer the final 20 ... Directory of World Cinema.

  • Directory of World Cinema: Russia 2
    By Birgit Beumers

    ... 1994. Influences form a whole. Of course we want to believe that they enrich, inspire and push rather than shape your style: what you do ultimately has to be your own. There are people who liked the Beatles when they were young; then ...

  • Directory of World Cinema: Iran 2
    By Parviz Jahed

    ... 1994). Set in Turkey, the film is about a group of transient Iranians who want to leave the homeland for the West and the desperate measures they take to achieve this dream. Even though the film depicts those who entertain such dreams ...

  • Directory of World Cinema: Scotland
    By Bob Nowlan, Zach Finch

    ... 1994, produced and directed hundreds of documentary films, recounts how Bill ... wants to say, then this is worth a 100, even a 1000, others who simply ... Directory of World Cinema.