The third edition of Disability remains an indispensable tool for human service practitioners in understanding disability from an empowerment perspective.
Disability: The Inclusive Church Resource is written to help your own church to be equipped to welcome all people who live with some form of physical disability.It contains first-hand personal experiences of people who have felt excluded ...
Kimball, E., Vaccaro, A., Tissi-Gassoway, N., Bobot, S., Newman, B., Moore, A. & Troiano, P. (2018). Gender, sexuality, & (dis)ability: queer perspectives on the experiences of students with disabilities. Disability Studies Quarterly ...
A number of these patients are also being assessed using the gait analysis facilities to provide quantitative ... function is described using the Oxford classification where muscle strength is assessed by subjective techniques and ...
The aim of this four-volume collection will be to select a range of core readings covering disability studies across all of these areas.
This text will be essential reading for students on the growing number of Disability Studies courses, as well as students, policy-makers and professionals in social policy, social work, cultural studies and nursing.
How do social norms and public policies affect those experiencing disability? This book provides a vivid and concrete introduction to the wealth of social, political and ethical debates that surround the experience of disability.
This book is suitable for lay people, students of disability studies as well as students taking a disability module as part of a wider course within social work, health care, sociology, nursing, policy and media studies.
Twenty-five years after early intervention: A follow-up of children with Down syndrome and their families. ... Testing Down syndrome to death. ... Down is up for Aaron Eagle: A Chapter 10: Developmental Disabilities 403 •
Down is up for Aaron Eagle: A mother's spiritual journey with Down syndrome. San Francisco: Harper. Shapiro, J. P. (1993). No pity: People with disabilities forging a new civil rights movement. New York: Times Books. Solomon, A. (2012).
This is practical and political theology written not to impress geniuses but to invite the rest of us to see one another as awkwardly beheld and tenaciously beloved.
"A leading ethicist and pastoral theologian shows readers that thinking more closely and theologically about disability is a doorway into a more vibrant and welcoming church life for all Christians"--
Autism in a Decentered World. New York: Routledge. Autism in a Decentered Worldwill be of particular interest to researchers and scholars within the fields of disability studies, art education, and art therapy.
Providing an overview of current issues affecting disabled people, this text looks at the factors which influence the quality of life, enabling professionals in social and health care to adapt care provisions accordingly.
This volume offers a rare mix of interpretive chapters and primary sources that will be of value to anyone interested in learning about important disability-related issues and exploring the perspectives of disabled people.