Doctor Who

  • Doctor Who: Who-ology
    By Cavan Scott, Mark Wright

    ... Doctor Who | Richard | | console room | | | Hudon | # The Ninth/Tenth | Rose # The End of Time Edward | | Doctors console room | | | Thomas | | The Eleventh Doctor's | The Eleventh | The Angels Take | Edward | | console room w.

  • Doctor Who: Thirteen Doctors 13 Stories
    By Naomi Alderman

    A new version of this much-loved anthology, with a brand-new story featuring the brand-new Thirteenth Doctor from literary sensation Naomi Alderman!

  • Doctor Who: The Glamour Chase
    By Gary Russell

    And Amy had been travelling with the Doctor long enough now to trust her instincts — if something felt wrong, ... 'l'm sorry?' 'Your boyfriend. Fiancé. Whatever he is.' Amy opened her mouth to answer but no words came 107 THE GLAMCUR ...

  • Doctor Who: Ghosts of India
    By Mark Morris

    India in 1947 is a country in the grip of chaos - a country torn apart by internal strife.

  • Doctor Who: Forever Autumn
    By Mark Morris

    The Doctor and Martha soon discover that something long-dormant has awoken in the town, and this will be no ordinary Halloween. What is the secret of the ancient chestnut tree and the mysterious book discovered tangled in its roots?

  • Doctor Who: Forever Autumn
    By Mark Morris

    It is almost Halloween in the sleepy New England town of Blackwood Falls.

  • Doctor Who: Ghosts of India
    By Mark Morris

    India in 1947 is a country in the grip of chaos - a country torn apart by internal strife.

  • Doctor Who: Scratchman
    By Tom Baker, James Goss

    With the fate of the universe hanging in the balance, the Doctor must battle an ancient force from another dimension, one who claims to be the Devil. Scratchman wants to know what the Doctor is most afraid of.

  • Doctor Who: Scratchman
    By Tom Baker

    In his first-ever Doctor Who novel, Tom Baker's incredible imagination is given free rein.

  • Doctor Who: Terrible Lizards
    By Jonathan Green

    In Terrible Lizards, the Eleventh Doctor and his friends join a group of explorers on a Victorian tramp steamer in the Florida Everglades.

  • Doctor Who: Seeing I
    By Jonathan Blum, Kate Orman

    She'd once asked him why he'd designed the thing to look like something out of Jules Veme, all dials and polished ... 'Our guess is that that ladder comes up in a utilities room near the pond — either at ground level or just below it.

  • Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Archives #4
    By Tony Lee

    Mary Kelly's dead, but was she supposed to die?

  • Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Archives #19
    By Tony Lee

    Tony Lee kicks off the time/space-faring series with the two-part 'Silver Scream'.

  • Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Archives #20
    By Tony Lee

    In the conclusion of the two-part 'Silver Scream', the Doctor clashes with aliens orchestrating a dastardly plot in 1920s Hollywood. But his actions have repercussions that could be felt througout all time!

  • Doctor Who: The Time Lord Letters
    By Justin Richards

    From the Doctor's plea to the Time Lords to help end the War Games to an extract from the written defense he submitted at his subsequent trial; from his application for the post of Caretaker at Coal Hill School to his apology to the Queen ...

  • Doctor Who: 12 Doctors, 12 Stories

    Join the Tenth Doctor and Marth on a planet that looks exactly like Earth but is full of fictional characters from Martha's childhood.

  • Doctor Who: 12 Doctors, 12 Stories
    By BBC

    Following on from the success of the 50th anniversary paperback anthology, 11 Doctors 11 Stories, this highly-acclaimed collection of short Doctor Whostories contains all of the original eleven adventures plus an exciting new Twelfth Doctor ...

  • Doctor Who: Twelve Doctors of Christmas

    Written by six authors and with a full-page colour illustration for each story, these tales are full of magic, mystery, wonder, excitement - and everything else that fans love about a Doctor Who Christmas special.

  • Doctor Who: 11 Doctors, 11 Stories
    By Eoin Colfer, BBC

    This print edition is the culmination of a year-long series of ebooks to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the hit BBC series, Doctor Who.

  • Doctor Who: 12 Doctors, 12 Stories

    The book transports the TARDIS to a glass city on a distant world where the Archons are intent on getting revenge on the Time Lord for an ancient grudge.