When the Doctor and Rose arrive, they discover a village where the children are plagued by nightmares, and the nights are ruled by monsters.
A threat that is starting to thaw. Featuring the Doctor and Martha as played by David Tennant and Freema Agyeman in the hit series from BBC Television.
This manual is the definitive guide to one of the most feared races in the Whoniverse.
“Well, I doubt you’ll ever see a bigger insect.” Gabby Nichols is putting her son to bed when she hears her daughter cry out. ‘Mummy there’s a daddy longlegs in my room!’ Then the screaming starts.
O segundo conto da nova coleção de histórias inéditas é de Michael Scott, autor da série Os Segredos de Nicolau Flamel.
Eoin Colfer, Marcus Sedgwick, Philip Reeve, Richelle Mead, Neil Gaiman e Holly Black, entre outros escritores, homenageiam o personagem criando uma história para sua encarnação preferida do Doutor.
Baseado no roteiro original de Douglas Adams, Cidade da morte é o episódio de Doctor Who mais assistido de todos os tempos.
Em Esporo, oitavo volume da coleção de histórias inéditas, Alex Scarrow, autor da série Time Riders, leva o Doutor a uma pequena cidade no deserto de Nevada, nos Estados Unidos.
The story of how she survived that terrible year. But it's more than that. This is also a collection of the stories she tells - the stories of adventures she had with the Doctor that we haven't heard about before.
"Being scared is the least of your worries.
Learn your 1, 2, 3 across the stars, with the help of the Doctor and friends! One Doctor. Two Hearts. Three Knocks. Four Daleks . . . A Doctor Who counting book with a timey-wimey twist on every page!
These Daleks have been re-created by Davros, the Kaled scientist who first invented the Daleks on the planet Skaro. ... Davros and the Daleks plan to use the powerful configuration of planets they have created to provide energy for the ...
he Daleks have stolen the Earth and transported it across space to the furthest reaches of the Medusa Cascade, . ... Davros and the Daleks plan to use the powerful configuration of planets they have created to provide energy for the ...
There was another light now – a red glow as the Dalek's gun powered up. A brilliant beam of energy blasted downwards into the very heart of Galacton. The bottom of the shaft melted and gave way, allowing the blast to penetrate right to ...
Not safe, but brimming with Time Energy – and the TARDIS loves that. ... There was a big war – the Great Time War – between the Time Lords and the Daleks, though other races and cultures were dragged into it. Nasty. And pretty final.
In a remote clinic in 18th century Italy, a lonely girl writes to her mother.
At last, the only classic-era Doctor Who adventure never to be novelised is here, and by the author of the original script, Eric Saward.
Australia, 1967.
‘The entire Dalek race, wiped out in one second.