Jezierski, T., Z. Jaworski and A. Gorecka. 1999. Effects of handling on behaviour and heart rate in Konik horses: ... John, E. R., P. Chesler, F. Bartlett and I. Victor. 1968. Observation learning in cats. Science 159:1489–1491. 962.
Domestic Animal Behavior for Veterinarians and Animal Scientists, Sixth Edition is a fully updated revision of this popular, classic text offering a thorough understanding of the normal behavior of domestic animals.
Domestic Animal Behavior for Veterinarians and Animal Scientists, Sixth Edition is a fully updated revision of this popular, classic text offering a thorough understanding of the normal behavior of domestic animals.
Domestic Animal Behavior for Veterinarians and Animal Scientists, Sixth Edition is a fully updated revision of this popular, classic text offering a thorough understanding of the normal behavior of domestic animals.
Domestic Animal Behavior, Fifth Edition is a fully updated revision of this classic text, with chapters examining key behavior issues ranging from communication to social structure.