Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary
Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary
Aguja que se emplea para puncionar el tabique interauricular en el cateterismo transeptal . de Tuohy ( Tuohy n . ) Aguja en la que el orificio del extremo está angulado 45 ° de modo que un catéter o un endoscopio introducidos por su luz ...
Illustrates and defines terms used in different branches of medicine and health science.
Understand and correctly use all the latest terminology in today's ever-evolving medical field with the 32nd Edition of the comprehensive, highly respected Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary!
Understand and correctly use all the latest terminology in today's ever-evolving medical field with the 32nd Edition of the comprehensive, highly respected Dorlands Illustrated Medical Dictionary!
Illustrates and defines terms used in different branches of medicine and health science.
Understand and correctly use all the latest terminology in today's ever-evolving medical field with the 32nd Edition of the comprehensive, highly respected Dorlands Illustrated Medical Dictionary
Illustrates and defines terms used in different branches of medicine and health science.
Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary
Illustrates and defines terms used in different branches of medicine and health science.
Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary
Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary: Dictionary/Electronic Dictionary Package
Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary
English-language dictionary of terminology used in the field of medicine - includes information on the etymology of words and illustrations.
Comprehensive biomedical dictionary that reflects standard and current terminology derived from medicine and related disciplines.