Provides history, examples, and stories of the rope-jumping activity called double Dutch.
Delia loves Double Dutch more than just about anything, and she’s really good at it—so good she and her teammates have a shot at winning the World Double Dutch Championships.
Delia loves Double Dutch more than just about anything, and she’s really good at it—so good she and her teammates have a shot at winning the World Double Dutch Championships.
Written & compiled by celebrated author & journalist Veronica Chambers, this book is filled with her own personal memories of girlhood & jumping rope, along with poems, interviews, songs, history, quotes, rhymes, & photographs.
Three eighth-grade friends, preparing for the International Double Dutch Championship jump rope competition in their home town of Cincinnati, Ohio, cope with Randy's missing father, Delia's inability to read, and Yo Yo's encounter with the ...
Discusses the history of Double Dutch rope skipping with instructions in basic and advanced techniques. Also describes tournaments and contests in which to participate.
"Mind on the rhythm. Wind in her hair. Ropes swinging high, gracing the air." Ganelle has never played Double Dutch a day in her life. She has only watched the high school girls jump, and they seemed to do it effortlessly.
The collection also includes moving tales grounded in painful and touching reality: a young deaf girl visits Niagara Falls before she goes blind; an elephant named Topsy is killed on Coney Island by Thomas Edison in 1903; and a woman learns ...