Basketball Bryant, J. (2002). Basketball. In N. Dougherty (Ed.), Physical activity and sport for the secondary school student (5th ed.). Reston, VA: NASPE and AAHPERD. Fronske, H. (2008). Teaching cues for sport skills (4th ed.).
Integrating humor into your instructional approach has become a popular topic in recent years (Barney & Christenson, 2013). A wide variety of research has been conducted regarding humor in educational settings (Banas, Dunbar, Rodriguez, ...
Included in this edition are new Teaching Hint and Safety Tip features, and content on the expanding role of PE teachers outside the gym.
Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Students provides PETE students a solid conceptual foundation for creating healthy learning environments and quality physical education programs.
Updated to reflect important issues facing today’s PE teachers, this edition includes topics such as the effects of overweight on youth, teaching students with different ability ranges, and teaching culturally diverse students.
Included in this edition are new Teaching Hint and Safety Tip features, and content on the expanding role of PE teachers outside the gym.
This text will help current and future educators promote physical activity beyond the school day.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
This text will help current and future educators promote physical activity beyond the school day.
A text for secondary physical education methods. Lesson Plans can be packaged with the book free of charge.
KET BENEFIT This book has been revised to include recent trends and issues in physical education.
Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Students provides PETE students a solid conceptual foundation for creating healthy learning environments and quality physical education programs.