COGNITIVE APPRENTICESHIPS The concept of a cognitive apprenticeship was first articulated by Allan Collins, John Seely Brown and Susan Newman in 1989 (Collins et al., 1989) and it remains very apt for e-Learning today.
This book is essential reading for anyone involved in technology enhanced learning systems, whether an expert or coming new to the area.
Nuovi strumenti per insegnare, apprendere, comunicare online Silvia Selvaggi, Gennaro Sicignano, Enrico Vollono ... apprendere, trasformando la comunicazione unilaterale e la supervisione dall'alto verso il basso in un lavoro di gruppo, ...
From design to orchestration, In: TechnologyEnhanced Learning: Principles and Products, N.Balacheff; S. Ludvigsen; ... om teknologi og skoleutvikling, In: Skoleutvikling og digitale medier – kompeksitet, mangfold og ekspansiv læring, ...
You need this book!"—Gloria Gery, Consultant in Performance Support and Learning "Dr. Rosenberg's vision, coupled with the useful advice peppered throughout his book, will guide corporate leaders of learning as we strive to harness the ...
In this book, we can read about new technologies that enhance training and performance; discover new, exciting ways to design and deliver content; and have access to proven strategies, practices and solutions shared by experts.
This book is consisting of 24 chapters which are focusing on the basic and applied research regarding e‐learning systems.
Online education is increasing dramatically around the world. This book presents the latest research in the field.
This book gives suggestions for dealing with challenges of e-learning, opening new paths of learning and conferring new methodologies to expand the conversing level of classes, and implementing technical tools for aiding students to make ...
This book provides an insight into the latest technological advancements in the fast emerging domain of E-learning.
... plan was developed. 71 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (2000). Education Policy Analysis ... National Science and Technology Council • e-Learning: Putting a World-Class Education at the Fingertips of All ...
Topics include: - educational evolution - enriching the learning experience - learner empowerment - design concepts and considerations - creation of e-communities - communal constructivism This book is essential reading for anyone involved ...
E-learning allows for the creation of learning communities that overcome the constraints of time, distance, and boundaries. This book covers a wide range of interesting e-learning topics.
Internet and intranet technologies offer tremendous opportunities to bring learning into the mainstream of business. E-Learning outlines how to develop an organization-wide learning strategy based on cutting-edge technologies and explains...