The sixth edition focuses more on e-marketing strategy and practice, and less on principles of marketing refresher material.
Past, present, and future -- Strategic E-marketing and performance metrics -- The E-marketing plan -- A world of E-marketing opportunities -- Ethical and legal issues -- E-marketing research -- Consumer behavior online -- Segmentation and ...
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Kotler, Philip, and Gary Armstrong. (2010). Principles of Marketing. 13th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Kotler, Philip, and Kevin Keller. (2006). Marketing Management. 12th ed.
Fast track route to mastering all aspects of e-marketing Covers all the key techniques for successful e-marketing, fromaffiliation marketing to e-mail alerts, and from viral marketing tobanner ads Examples and lessons from some of the world ...
Technological capabilities are still expanding rapidly, with developers aiming for faster, smaller and more powerful devices despite plateaus in the Moore's Law prediction of exponential growth (Srivastava, 2007).
The real benefits of SL can be exploited when companies: 1) use the interactive and cooperative capabilities of the new medium and build a personal community environment for each customers, 2) consider each customer as an individual ...
Considering marketing theory and practice, the text demonstrates how conceptual frameworks can be applied to the e-marketing environment.
For courses in Internet Marketing or E-marketing This book teaches marketers how to engage and listen to buyers, and how to use what they learn to improve their offerings in today’s Internet- and social media-driven marketing environment.
Supplemented by practical examples throughout, e-Marketing is an essential read for all marketing and business administration students.
This updated edition is the most comprehensive book on digital marketing, covering all the topics students need to think like a marketer.
“e-Marketing is a continuous process that follows a quicker cycle.” WHAT IS THE E-MARKETING CYCLE? The e-Marketing Cycle is basically the sequence of marketing activities delineated by your e-Marketing Plan. Each step of the Plan should ...
rEad on This book follows the structure of traditional marketing processes but discusses effective and efficient e-marketing concepts and practices. Technology is an important aspect of the ...
The sixth edition focuses more on e-marketing strategy and practice, and less on principles of marketing refresher material.
El e-marketing incorpora al marketing (estudio completo de todos aquellos factores que favorecen una situación de venta, que nos permiten conocer al consumidor y ajustar un producto a las necesidades concretas de éste) la aplicación de ...
"This reference presents a vital compendium of research detailing the latest case studies, architectures, frameworks, methodologies, and research on e-marketing"--Provided by publisher.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Supplemented by practical examples throughout, e-Marketing is an essential read for all marketing and business administration students.